Whenever I encounter difficulties in English, you would always cheer me up and help me out, which fuels my enthusiasm for English.
As you already know, I will be doing both English and Mandarin versions of the album, so I definitely have my work cut out for me.
They thought we met only for two days and it is of slight possibility for you to provide me an opportunity to work in your company after acquiring English and computer skills.
My experience in marketing research, my training in statistics, and my fluent English should qualify me for the position you advertised in the January 12 issue of Huaxi City Daily.
Despite speaking slowly in English and gesticulating wildly (American for "I want you to understand me"), it still took the attendant several minutes to figure out what it was we were looking for.
I said I don't like English, survival after don't need to me, and for this you can see I send you email before.
How about you? Kate: The English and maths papers weren't easy enough for me.
I'm Japanese. I'm looking for Chinese teacher. If you are interested in it, please contact me. I can speak Japanese and English.
Dear teacher:Thank you for reading my composition, my English is not good enough and thus I can't write the composition well. I do hope you can understand me.
JAE thanks you to correct for me in time, these picture I come in sight of, but I can see understand Chinese and English of, the Thai language doesn't understand, having a little a regret.
For me also, Ting Room is a very good place to learn English, and have knids of style to teach you how to study, and very funny for us.
决定哪个英语学习网站好的关键还是要看网站的实力。 英孚教育是一家很有实力的英语培训机构。
For me also, Ting Room is a very good place to learn English, and have knids of style to teach you how to study, and very funny for us.
决定哪个英语学习网站好的关键还是要看网站的实力。 英孚教育是一家很有实力的英语培训机构。