Much later he collaborated with his son Michael on the English translation of a text on food production.
If you were to ask which bit in the Sumerian word corresponds to the pronoun "it" in the English translation "when he had made it suitable for her", then the answer would have to be nothing.
I have had complete strangers throwing articles or speeches in my face, insisting that I help them with the English translation.
Chinese-English translation is an important exercise in SEFC.
Ke Juanjuan, 24, is pursuing a master's degree in English translation at HUST.
The English translation of "Metro" will be published by Metropolitan, a division of Macmillan.
He is using the English translation of the German word frohlich from Nietzsche's The Gay Science.
In 1970, he embarked on an English translation; a monumental task that took 10 years to complete.
He collaborated with his son Michael on the English translation of a text on food production.
A writer friend told me there is an English translation of Red Crag, but I have never read it.
It was in the Old English translation of this Latin biography that we first get the word bitter.
The English translation of this song was found in the comments at the above URL and it came from “habibifree”
How many times in this class have I told you what the original Greek word of some particular word the English translation was?
Now the publishers have had the bright idea of bringing out an English translation just before the Rome treaty anniversary.
You might not get that idea if you have an English translation that keeps putting sisters in here, but there are no sisters in this book.
For instance I post a job for a Italian>English Translation and get a CV from a Dutch native speaker who is fluent in neither language.
In chapter Six, a conclusion, based on the studies in the previous chapters, is made about English translation of Chinese city introductions.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez allegedly told Gregory Rabassa that his English translation ofOne Hundred Years of Solitude was better than the Spanish original.
And you can recognize it when you read it in the original Greek in a way that you can't recognize it so much when you read it in your English translation.
In the years I've spent as a regular participant in the newsgroup, I've seen numerous requests for opera librettos in English translation.
我在rec. music . opera新闻组工作的几年中,看到许多人要求将歌剧剧本翻译成英文。
To save time and energy to write more reports, all using Google English translation, if any English grammar or vocabulary mistakes, please understand.
The striker spoke to the official website of Spain's Primera Liga last week, with an English translation later appearing on the striker's personal website.
The way to go in the beginning is dual language books (aff). These have the original language on the left side and a literal English translation on the right.
I mean I don't know if you noticed but there's a certain style to them, even in the English translation, that sounds like these are written by educated people.
Once the images are up, anyone will be able to peruse exact copies of the original scrolls as well as an English translation of the text on their computer — for free.
But the differences between Chinese and western cultures often influence Chinese-English translation, and bring difficulties in the comprehension and expression.
She published an English translation of Erasmus’s meditations on the Lord’s prayer and she wrote a treatise on the Four Last Things: death, judgment, heaven and hell.
Actually we have Milton's commonplace book, his reading notes, and you can find it all in English translation in volume one of The Complete Prose Works of John Milton.
Actually we have Milton's commonplace book, his reading notes, and you can find it all in English translation in volume one of The Complete Prose Works of John Milton.