We can never afford to take time off from work to enjoy the things in life that we really want to, because our bills are so high.
The aim is to reduce the importance of costly tutors and cram schools, partly to help students enjoy a more normal high-school life.
So the sayings are vivid expressions of Chinese parents' high expectations for their children, hoping their kids become outstanding figures and enjoy a successful life.
Let in modern fast-paced life urbanite, away from the health and enjoy a high quality life style.
Their skills deftly lead them to high positions and allow them to enjoy the best of life.
Therefore, more and more people eager to enjoy the Olympic Garden to create a high-quality healthy new life.
The proper perspective of well-preserved life is to enjoy high quality of living, both psychologically and physically. It means to live longer as well as better.
正确的抗衰老观念是在任何年龄段都获得高品质的生活,无论心理还是生理。 不但要活得长久,还要好好地活着。
They enjoy the high school life with joining many activities and taking all kinds of parties.
Community Profile: rate of 48% green area, the environment elegant, fully furnished and has a dynamic, luxurious club allows you to enjoy the high quality of life.
Recreational activities are an essential part of urban social life, and creation of high quality recreational space to enable people to enjoy the leisure life is an important task for urban planners.
Low maintenance, but the international students can spend a few money while enjoy high quality life.
Not Enough time to Enjoy Life, or NETTEL, refers to the rising pool of households headed by two high-income-earning, full-time-working parents with dependent children.
They also obtained the comfort from the Buddhism religious doctrine, so long as believes in Buddhism, and makes "the merit", next life may continue to enjoy the honor, wealth and high rank.
Father: no one knows the man he might become as he loses his self respect? But I think that's too high a price to pay even for love. I want Armand to enjoy life not to be sacrificed to it.
Our high quality products and prestige enjoy unanimous favorable comment of customers from all walks of life, they sell well in all countries and regions over the world.
Our high quality products and prestige enjoy unanimous favorable comment of customers from all walks of life, they sell well in all countries and regions over the world.