Dear knowledgeable readers: please enlighten me!
Nonetheless, the emperor asked courteously, "What can you enlighten me on?"
My most favorite TV programs are comedies. They can bring me joy that can enlighten me.
I cannot remember how the trains turned round to return to London. Could you please enlighten me?
As an iPod Touch user and my wife as an iPhone user, enlighten me as to what application is available on these platforms that does just this?
One of my friends tried to enlighten me by telling me that she worked with a young man who had a younger brother my age, who just moved here from 6 Cincinnati, 7 Ohio and didn't know anyone.
Rush Limbaugh frequently infuriates me—not because of what he believes, but because he takes such enormous liberties with the truth and uses language that seems designed to inflame, not enlighten.
For me. music does not only brings me perception of beauty, but also enlighten my wisdom and thus enhances my creative thinking.
I want to express my most sincere thanks to my parents who have brought me up for 21 years. Your selfless love, your constant support and your unwearying enlighten.
I want to express my most sincere thanks to my parents who have brought me up for 21 years. Your selfless love, your constant support and your unwearying enlighten.