Enter a name for the folder (for our example, let's use RegressionScripts) and click Finish.
Enter the version of the folder name for com.ibm.rcp.base plug-in that is installed for the value, and then click OK.
在value 栏输入安装的 com.ibm.rcp.base插件文件夹名称,然后单击ok。
In the next Create new test From Recording window, select the tests folder and enter the name LargeTestData_data_file, as shown in Figure 3. Click Finish to generate the new test.
In the Performance schedule window, make sure you have selected the schedules folder, and enter the name LargeTestData_datapool.
If you enter only a file name, the log will be exported to the install folder.
Enter the name of the folder where the test results are stored and the Cloud Lab server will consolidate them into a single ZIP file and send you an email with a link to download it.
In the Add to archive field, enter the file name for the new archive (you can browse to the folder by using the Open button), and then click Add.
Enter Auto Databases in the New folder name field, and select Databases from the Initial folder contents drop-down list. Click OK, as shown below.
在Newfolder name字段中输入AutoDatabases,在Initial foldercontents下拉列表中选择Databases。
In the name and folder fields, enter CustomerInfoToNameEmailOnly.
The specified folder name is not a valid name. Please enter a name containing only alphanumeric characters.
To add a new folder, enter the name of the new folder in one of the empty boxes in the list.
No mater pictures or files, if there same file name on different folder, after you exit and re-enter, it will jump to different folder.
File, and then enter the folder and file name where you want to save the file.
File, and then enter the folder and file name where you want to save the file.