For example, whenever an application requires the user to enter search criteria, such as a movie title, a title or part of a title can be selected from a data pool.
The first section contains a search form that buyers can use to enter their purchase criteria.
The default behavior of this SearchAction is to display a search form, which allows users to enter various search criteria.
If no searching switches are provided, I enter the interactive mode where the user can provide search criteria interactively.
Optionally enter Additional search criteria, such as group information or employee type, if you want to restrict access to certain groups or types of employees.
如果想将访问限定于某些组或类型的雇员,可以输入additionalsearch criteria,例如组信息或雇员类型。
Optionally enter Additional search criteria, such as group information or employee type, if you want to restrict access to certain groups or types of employees.
如果想将访问限定于某些组或类型的雇员,可以输入additionalsearch criteria,例如组信息或雇员类型。