The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as "the entertainment industry" or "show business".
In response, the alarmists accuse critics and news reporters of being deceived by the entertainment industry.
If the entertainment industry really cared about sending the wrong message on body image, it wouldn't need so many slender celebrities in the first place.
The entertainment industry USES XML at many levels and for many applications.
Additionally, the Entertainment Industry Foundation has waived all administrative fees.
"We're not from that environment, nobody we knew was in the entertainment industry, " says James.
在那之前,他们除了在学校演过话剧,就再也没有其他的表演经验了。 “我们不是来自艺术之家,我们也不认识娱乐圈的人,”詹姆斯说。
No doubt, the artist aims at criticizing this abnormal phenomena in the entertainment industry.
If the 20th - century entertainment industry was about hits, the 21st will be equally about misses.
When I first entered the entertainment industry, there was another Song Jia who was already very famous.
The entertainment industry is prepared to assert its rights aggressively and most people knew that before today.
New entertainment models have to be social to break into what is already a hugely powerful entertainment industry.
Is married and the mother of a 20-year-old daughter, and she continues to be active in the entertainment industry.
We are researching new products for the home entertainment industry. We hope to roll them out early next year.
America entertainment industry makes billions of dollars, exports American culture (and propaganda) by the ton.
Illicit use of TV signals is not only bad for the entertainment industry. It's apparently bad for climate research, too.
This idea of balance will anger the entertainment industry, which has tried to win over politicians with some siren songs.
In the years of our existence we have established a unique and strong business network within the entertainment industry.
The key to using XMLBeans on a wide scale is establishing open XML standards that are adopted across the entertainment industry.
Spontaneous, adventurous, sociable and extrovert, you crave attention. So fire people often appeared in the entertainment industry.
At the moment, Eurasians are enjoying an unprecedented high profile in the news, in advertising, and in the entertainment industry.
In 2008, an entertainment company in Nanjing signed her up, thinking her sunny character would be valuable in the entertainment industry.
I've spoken many a time about the trend of parents paying $10, 000 for their kids to get an unpaid internship in the entertainment industry.
An FBI spokeswoman said Operation Hackerazzi involved "computer intrusions targeting individuals associated with the entertainment industry."
Believe it or not, the entertainment industry was one of the first to harness this shift in the computing paradigm with the infamous Napster.
The entertainment industry continues to be in the vanguard, as demonstrated by the recent conference held by South by Southwest (SXSW, Inc.).
最近由SouthbySouthwest (SXSW,Inc .)举办的研讨会又用事实证明了娱乐业仍是先驱者。
Walt Disney Co. is betting $4 billion that Iron Man and his fellow superheroes can help it beat the malaise gripping the entertainment industry.
华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney)周一同意斥资40亿美元收购Marvel Entertainment,重金押注钢铁侠(IronMan)和他的伙伴能够帮助迪士尼摆脱困扰娱乐产业的问题。
The fashion business is, after all, a part of the entertainment industry, where sycophancy, exaggeration and gushing insincerity are not unknown.
The fashion business is, after all, a part of the entertainment industry, where sycophancy, exaggeration and gushing insincerity are not unknown.