The failure was a big blow to him, but he wasn't discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.
The illusionist has come to the remote town, at the invitation of an enthusiastic admirer who was a Scot with a flirtatious kilt.
Hiking groups, a group of people who are enthusiastic about walking, running or hiking, are often seen walking at full speed along the street.
Clients want a friendly face to greet them and someone who is enthusiastic about their project.
In the warm light they felt “happier and gladder, more enthusiastic and peppy” to a significant number.
Assuming you've written an enthusiastic AD, you'll be getting calls from a number of qualified manager prospects.
On Christmas eve, we gathered a group, and I made an enthusiastic attempt at the traditional Italian seven-fishes feast.
Extroverts seem to have a positive and enthusiastic approach to most activities in life, and can have good communications kills.
Muybridge was certainly a wonderful photographer, as enthusiastic and curious about his own medium as about the world he photographed.
In January, the vote in favour of trying the field method was "as enthusiastic as you could get from a faculty," says Mr Nohria, wryly.
Dell was also enthusiastic about the update in a statement, using the words ‘robust’, ‘mission-critical’ and ‘industry-standard’ all in the same sentence.
另一家涉及服务器产品的厂商戴尔公司也为这次RHEL 5.5的发布发表了肯定的声明,他们在声明中使用了“健壮的”,“能完成关键任务”以及“工业级标准”等等服务器产品软文必备词汇。
People who are powerless to decide between 20 options can suddenly become quite enthusiastic and empowered when offered a choice of A, B or C. Don't make your sale any more complex than necessary.
Camping is a great way to meet the locals as the Portuguese themselves are enthusiastic campers.
It's a fearsome thing that our most enthusiastic member would not have had the temerity to call ornamental.
After the thing had closed with a peculiarly afflicting sermon the applause was enthusiastic.
I was always an enthusiastic reader, sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child.
Hideyoshi was also a great and enthusiastic patron of many arts.
It is this childlike wonder that gives enthusiastic people such a youthful air, whatever their age.
Every year many new businesses, the so called "start-ups" are founded by enthusiastic people counting with a great idea for a product or service.
This will have given you a time frame; you want to appear enthusiastic but not annoying.
If you have ever heard the earnest crooning of nonsensical English phrases by a Japanese pop star or seen the enthusiastic flash of a peace sign, you probably get the gist.
Tray was without a doubt the most enthusiastic member of my scout den.
But we in the mainstream media have a responsibility to be enthusiastic participants in-and moderators of-this exciting and challenging world.
If there was nothing actively alarming about you, you could get a pretty enthusiastic response merely by showing up.
That is not for want of energy, of which the boss of Cisco Systems has plenty. It is because he is a proud and enthusiastic user of his own company's technology.
The fearsome thing that resulted from combining a turban with a Sola-topee our most enthusiastic member would not have had the temerity to call ornamental.
Furthermore, unlike with the Athens games, slow ticket sales don't appear to be a problem due to enthusiastic local demand.
Furthermore, unlike with the Athens games, slow ticket sales don't appear to be a problem due to enthusiastic local demand.