This Decalogue, which is often called the ritual Decalogue, so it's listed on there in Exodus 34, bans intermarriage with Canaanites less they entice the Israelites into worship of their gods.
He tries to counterfeit all the good things God offers you, aiming at our weakness in order to exploit our vulnerabilities and entice us into the darkness.
And Mr Willetts wants to entice more low-cost providers into the system.
I confess that I was a huge fan of the Hardy Boys, and then used them to entice my own kids into becoming avid readers as well.
And the Lord said, 'Who will entice Ahab king of Israel into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?
Hollywood producers are falling over themselves to entice the 27-year-old Beijing-born actress into a major US production.
This can symbolise a feeling of being trapped - or the desire to entice someone into a particular relationship or situation.
But it can also entice you into letting fantasy overcome reality, leading you down a questionable path.
We literally had to invent new approaches to entice the protein into a crystal and then spent years optimizing these crystals to reach a quality suitable for visualization by X-rays.
When you give your contact information first you are far more likely to entice the person you called into writing down your name and number for a call back.
This approach is often used to entice you into doing things that are visible from the outside like roof repair, painting, window caulking, deck restoration, driveway coating and chimney repair.
Many advertisements do indeed use attractive models or celebrities to entice consumers into buying the products that are being promoted.
The cruel coldness trembles our teeth, wrinkles our skin and curl our bodies as if to entice us into the arms of flame at the sight of fire.
Many advertisements do indeed use attractive models or celebrities to entice consumers into buying the products that are being promoted.
Many advertisements do indeed use attractive models or celebrities to entice consumers into buying the products that are being promoted.