This method causes the swappable system to be invoked when the entire page is loaded.
Getting half the page doesn't count, users are only satisfied when they get the entire page.
The view starts by redrawing the toolbar because the view is responsible for the entire page.
Click it and then choose to capture the visible part of the page or to capture the entire page.
A characteristic of an Ajax application is that it will not cause an entire page to reload each time.
Performing calculations on the server based on user-entered data without reloading the entire page.
Help elements come in all different shapes and sizes: an entire page, a suggestion box or a quick tip.
Now the server can be contacted asynchronously, thus the entire page does not have to be re-requested.
In many cases, there's no reason to replace an entire page just because you want an update to a sidebar.
In the old days of the Web, even the most minor update to a page required that the entire page be refreshed.
Sends a request to the server, which executes the request and responds with new HTML for the entire page.
When an Ajax application updates some information, it does not replace the entire page in the Web browser.
The interesting thing here is that the main AD at the top is huge - indeed it almost covers the entire page.
For example, if you've got any global rules that apply to an entire page, that's at the top of your hierarchy.
It most cases, this results in replacing and reloading the entire page, even if most of the page is unchanged.
They remove the need to submit entire forms and reload the entire page to introduce new information in the browser.
Ajax is key to this process because it allows another part of the page to update without refreshing the entire page.
Ajax technology enables web pages to update dynamically by refreshing data in selected pockets rather the entire page.
The browser sends a request to the server, which processes the request and responds with HTML to repaint the entire page.
Because Ajax allows data to be retrieved asynchronously in the background, there is no need to clear and load the entire page.
This type of window is ideal for use as an alert mechanism or for bringing up small forms that don't deserve an entire page reload.
Such handlers receive events from the entire page, which means that other page elements might stop receiving the events they need.
An Ajax application allows the browser to update a specific part of the page without having to completely refresh the entire page.
Blueprint sets the line height for the entire page to 18 pixels, so every image and variant of text must be a multiple of 18 pixels.
This means the application doesn't require the entire page to be reloaded every time the client needs to communicate with the server.
This class's execute method lays out the entire page as an XHTML document, giving you complete control over page organization and styling.
Hence, "contextual." Unlike inline help, contextual help usually relates to the entire page, and it can appear without a click or rollover.
Once the application is loaded, fetching smaller fragments of data and content can help avoid the overhead of re-rendering the entire page.
Instead of clicking and waiting for the entire page to reload as you pan a Google map, you seamlessly scroll around the map with your mouse.
By design, the entire page is usually in the correct output markup language by this point, so no markup conversions should take place at this level.