You can then associate the template with the entity type.
Note that the conditions for mapping an entity type to these tables are met.
Lastly, a new constructor is defined that accepts an entity type, as shown in Listing 11.
All rows in a table are entities of a certain entity type that is represented by that table.
Indicates that a class that is an entity type has a default binary property to stream.
Find the TAB labelled dimensional and select the Change the dimensional entity type checkbox.
找到标记为dimensional的选项卡,然后选中Changethe dimensionalentity type复选框。
Not very complicated, but that's only for a trivial database scheme and one single entity type.
Inheritance is supported with entity types: that is, one entity type can be derived from another.
Define an entity type with properties that correspond to columns in each of the underlying tables.
The search filter configuration specifies the LDAP search filter that is used to search this entity type.
Dynamic entities are automatically stored in a collection who's name is the pluralized form of the entity type.
The coding of forest resource information included entity type code, entity code and entity attributes code.
To perform this search, you do not actually need to specify a search filter for the LDAP entity type PersonAccount.
The entity type is the fundamental building block for describing the structure of data with the entity data Model.
In order to become the industry with the scale of the entity type stocks of professional manufacturing enterprises.
The values of entity key properties must uniquely identify an entity type instance within an entity set at run time.
Anentity set is a logical container for instances of an entity type and instances of any type derived from that entity type.
Navigate to Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure => Federated repositories => Configure => Supported Entity Type.
导航到Secureadministration,applications,andinfrastructure =>Federatedrepositories =>Configure =>SupportedEntity Type。
I also added a custom taxonomy for the WSDL entity type category system so that the WSDL entity type can be chosen from the category tree view.
This topic describes how to manually create a conceptual model in which an entity type is mapped to two tables in the underlying database.
Save the Group entity type configuration with the added object classes; the configured object classes for the entity type are shown in figure 29.
Entity type instances at one end of an association can be accessed through navigation properties or foreign keys, if they are exposed on an entity type.
If you define a navigation property on one entity type at the end of an association, you do not have to define a navigation property on the entity type at the other end of the association.
The only difference is that the post string itself is passed in as a method parameter to the method after specifying the request and response media types and the response entity type.
唯一的不同在于,指定请求和响应媒体以及响应实体类型之后,post字符串本身作为方法参数传递到resource . post方法。
A role is an entity (a person, computer, or any other type of actor) or group of entities that have the same rights and obligations with respect to performing a task or a group of tasks.
In each case where a queue manager type is referenced, you must configure SSL in the corresponding WMQFTE properties file to enable that type of WMQFTE entity to connect to its queue manager.
While you cannot easily modularize and reuse the site structure, you can leverage a single page template across any type of entity for each common screen related to CRUD activity.
The current thinking is that the pattern's initial implementation requires that the value type always equal the entity record.
You can set up phrases such as a company name as an entity, then type the entity throughout your content.
You can set up phrases such as a company name as an entity, then type the entity throughout your content.