You, therefore, need to make sure that the manifest of the client application JAR file has a main class: entry.
To do this, copy an existing report manifest entry and change the values to suit your needs. For example.
Similarly, the order.jar bundle Manifest has the entry Export-Package: order.
类似地,order.jar包清单包含条目 Export-Package: order。
Remember, every time new files are added to the project, an entry for each of them must also be added to the MANIFEST file.
The manifest entry for each type of component element -, and -supports an android: process attribute that can specify a process in which that component should run.
The manifest file USES the common OpenOffice namespace, and mostly comprises a list of entry elements that give the Internet media type (IMT) and relative URL for each file.
The MANIFEST file must also contain an entry for the new file. The new MANIFEST file is shown below.
For many years entry into the new dream looked like only a faint possibility; now and with the help of the Tao it is a viable dream to envision, intend and then manifest.
This error is generated when a manifest does not specify an entry point.
The entry names and attributes read will be merged in with the current manifest entries.
There are main Manifest Attributes as well as per-entry Attributes.
There are main Manifest Attributes as well as per-entry Attributes.