Computer scientists have created an animated figure called Betty's Brain, who has been "taught" about environmental science by hundreds of middle school students
Computer scientists have created an animated figure called Betty's Brain, who has been "taught" about environmental science by hundreds of middle school students.
Herman studied in China from 2011 to 2018, receiving his master's degree and a doctorate in environmental science.
In addition, many ontologies are domain specific in fields such as technology, environmental science, chemistry and linguistics.
As an environmental science technician, you'll help find new ways to alleviate environmental stress on the planet.
Reducing nitrogen pollution from wastewater treatment plants could be a triple win for business as well the environment, concluded a study published in Environmental Science & Technology.
Hastings, a professor in the UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy, is one of the world's top experts in using mathematical models (sets of equations) to understand natural systems.
How to control HCB and remove MC is an unsolved problem in the field of environmental science all over the world.
Therefore environmental science should be and can only be centered around man, with human interests being the starting point in understanding, evaluating, transforming and harnessing environment.
Li Shikai, 25, a graduate student in environmental science at Shanghai Ocean University, plans to travel home to Kaili, in Guizhou province, for Chinese New Year in February.
Recent research by Peking University environmental science professors calculated the cost of particulate pollution on human health in the city for 2002 alone at 25,000 deaths and 7.2% of city GDP.
Training includes a basic orientation to scientific disciplines such as epidemiology, immunology, and environmental science.
The work, by Landis and others and published in Environmental Science &Technology, traces the full impact of plastic production all the way back to its source for several types of plastics.
Given that animals have established breeding grounds, this dictates poachers' movements, says James Gibbs, who works at SUNY's environmental-science department.
而只要动物在此地建立了繁殖地,非法偷猎者就会造访此地,詹姆斯•吉布斯(James Gibbs)讲道。 (吉布斯先生在美国纽约州立大学的环境科学部工作。)
Selling Yunnan's fresh air could also be seen as a way to raise concern about the pollution issue, Hu Kailin, an environmental science expert said.
The study of radon release and migration is the basic theoretical issue for radon measurement, which has close relationship with extensive applications in geoscience, environmental science and so on.
Qualification: Degree in Science preferred, but not required Knowledge of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computer Science, or Environmental Science.
The extensive use of pesticides in environment and the difficulty of their residue detection make the analysis of pesticides residue the foreland and hotspot in environmental science.
When Zhang was at university, his newly established environmental science programme lacked structure and proper organisation.
The application and sorption mechanisms of organobentonites in wastewater treatment and remediation of polluted environment have been a concern in the field of environmental science and engineering.
First the shells get washed. Then they go to the Center for Environmental Science at the University of Maryland for further processing.
The numerical simulation and theoretical analysis for sea water intrusion in coastal region are very important in the theory and practice of the environmental science.
Topics of study include ecology, environmental science, biology, extinction, and more.
Courses of study may include chemistry, biochemistry, environmental science, pharmacology, statistical analysis, and other disciplines.
Environmental standard is a frequent concept in environmental science, and it is so important to the legislation and enforcement of environmental law.
Environmental standard is a frequent concept in environmental science, and it is so important to the legislation and enforcement of environmental law.