Global warming may or not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but regardless of weather it is or isn't—we won't do much about it.
Global warming may or not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but regardless of whether it is or isn't—we won't do much about it.
The global environmental crisis is the consequence of modernity.
Environmental crisis leads to one of the serious problems, namely, water shortage.
So it is necessary to seek the primary way of solving the environmental crisis of human nature.
Finally there are external effects: the unpriced costs reflected in the modern environmental crisis.
If it is social harmony at the expense of harmony with nature, the environmental crisis will get worse.
The environmental damage caused by human has resulted in more and more serious global environmental crisis.
Can you please share your wisdom with our readers and tell us where you see the environmental crisis heading?
To other countries, China in particular, the environmental crisis has become a problem that can no longer be ignored.
Environmental crisis is caused by the unique human centralism and man 's individual consciousness of human centralism.
Facing a global environmental crisis, human beings have to respond in a reasonable way, and reflect on their own behaviours.
The criticism, reflection and reconstruction on worldview are very important to the solution of global environmental crisis.
Even if the contradiction and antinomy arising the relation, is also territorial and can't tend to global environmental crisis.
Dream# + #Action# = #Change#. We are also working hard everyday with a dream to counter environmental crisis and purify all heart.
梦想+行动=改变。我们也努力著#改变环境#,#净化人心# 喔~。
The environmental crisis is thus an open field for just the sort of savvy entrepreneurship that Hundt extols during the "Golden 90s."
Considering the increasingly serious environmental crisis, it is essential for us to strengthen the law enforcement against this crime.
But, so far, after the mankind has entered into 21st century, the environmental crisis that the mankind faces has been growing on and on.
As if global financial and environmental crisis were not enough, another alarming problem has been developing in the past few years: the food crisis.
Consciously raising pigeons in the public square is exactly one of the actions we should adopt after we become aware of this kind of environmental crisis.
Beginning with the analysis of environmental crisis, this chapter points out the important meaning of research on ecologic tendency of architecture creation.
In the environmental crisis and increasingly severe threat to human survival, the environmental compensation has become an action-together for all over the world.
In view of the fear of environmental crisis, people propose environmental right theory, attempting to resolve various environmental hazards, but have little effect.
More and more countries attach importance to use economic means to settle the environmental crisis, and imposing environmental tax is one of the means being favored.
According to our ancestors' teaching, "wealth comes from being industrious". In the face of the global environmental crisis nowadays, is this saying no longer valid?
According to our ancestors' teaching, "wealth comes from being industrious". In the face of the global environmental crisis nowadays, is this saying no longer valid?