The town and its environs are inviting, with recreational attractions and art museums.
One sunny afternoon, Maria took the children to the environs.
They even sought to keep the environs clean and the drains unpolluted.
The harsh desert environs of Klatooine resulted in a fiercely tenacious species.
"The environs recall the unexploited American West of a century ago, " said HUUM.
Such "pyramids" can be used to look over the environs but it is very dangerous to climb them.
For, it tells of God, of your home, of His dealings with His peoples in many environs, in many lands.
In fact, the restoration of the tomb and its environs had barely started before it came under attack.
The lake and its environs have all the elements of a traditional Chinese garden but on a grand scale.
Declutter it. Feng shui masters say that adjusting the environs around a bed can bring couples closer.
Gotals cannot use their accurate senses in these environs, and they cannot spend time close to droids.
Though I didn't leave the Georgetown environs often, I did manage two trips to New York my first semester.
The architectural design and the details of the exterior elevations should complement the site and its environs.
Presently, method dealing with construction waste mainly is to transport and place it to environs or bury it underground.
The day, a late January one, was inclined to be smoky with lowering clouds, especially within the environs of Kansas City.
The day, a late january one, was inclined to be smoky with lowering clouds, especially within the environs of kansas city .
An assault fought amongst the rubble-strewn and treacherous environs of a ruined city is the most gruelling kind of battle.
He deciphers the background messages of Spaces, places and interiors to learn how environs help or hinder in the meeting process.
She had hardly ever visited the place, only a small tract even of the Vale and its environs being known to her by close inspection.
As the Pacific plate pushes under the North American plate, Juneau and its hilly Tongass National Forest environs rise still more.
SEALs quickly learn that the punishment and pain of training hardens their minds and bodies and adapt to embrace the tough environs.
Residents of Qingdao and its environs, where about seven million people live, have been anticipating the city’s Olympic moment for years.
The idea is to inject grandeur (as conveyed by the cultural and official institutions) and if possible, beauty, to Paris's many environs.
Their interest was only in the port and its environs; they did not anticipate the much larger transfer of territory that would follow.
In Hyderabad and its environs, 21% of the middle class run general stores, 17% tailor-shops, 8.5% telephone booths and 8% sell fruit and vegetables.
在海德拉巴以及郊区,21%的中产阶层经营着普通商店,17%经营裁缝店,8.5%经营电话亭, 8%售卖水果和蔬菜。
In Hyderabad and its environs, 21% of the middle class run general stores, 17% tailor-shops, 8.5% telephone booths and 8% sell fruit and vegetables.
在海德拉巴以及郊区,21%的中产阶层经营着普通商店,17%经营裁缝店,8.5%经营电话亭, 8%售卖水果和蔬菜。