The equal distribution of equipment was next, meaning that all teachers had their fair share of teaching resources to aid learning.
Korea's equal distribution of income is changing.
Nationality equality is in fact the equal distribution of rights.
What it actually guarantees is the equal distribution of session affinities among servant regions.
Egalitarianism: The tax system should try to achieve a more equal distribution of after-tax incomes.
The brindles to be perfect should have a fine, even and equal distribution of the composite colors.
So we might, at first thought, say, "Well let's require an equal distribution of income and wealth."
They feel that neither equal distribution nor distribution according to Labour power is to their advantage.
The new"V"shaped rotor knives guarantee an equal distribution of the cut goodsacross the entire rotor width.
Equal distribution of risk. Trade in 4 or 5 stocks, if possible. Avoid tying up all your capital in any one stock.
Through investigation, it was proved that the most possible distribution in the stand system was equal distributions.
Through computer's simulation, Research and analysis resistance characteristic that the flow equal distribution model needs.
Different interpretations of equal regards have led to different ideals of equal distribution or other similar distributions.
Article 2 equal distribution of object of suffrage men and women aged 18 or above earth's natural persons as a natural person family.
Our society also needs to recognize that the equal distribution of knowledge is a pivotal step of human development, and work to bring this into reality.
Looked from the sociological Angle of view, since any society cannot achieve the wealth absolutely the equal distribution, that we should seek one kind of reasonable disparity.
The utility model has the advantages of equal distribution of molten steel in the crystallizer, good performance of melting protecting slag, simple preparing process, etc. in use.
Other qualities which help to define conversation include the equal distribution of speaker rights; mutual respect among speakers; spontaneity and informality; and a non-businesslike ambience.
Conclusion The indoor mosquitoes species in the south of Yunnan province were rich with complicated composition of community and approximately equal distribution of the predominant species.
This top one percent—3 million people—certainly cannot purchase all the goods that the poorest 180 million Americans would be capable of purchasing had our society a more equal distribution of wealth.
When resources are abundant, there's plenty for all, but even then the distribution isn't perfectly equal.
Health equity depends vitally on the empowerment of individuals to challenge and change the unfair and steeply graded distribution of social resources to which everyone has equal claims and rights.
The idea behind the multi-million dollar scheme is to provide better security, fairer distribution of food handouts and more equal employment opportunities.
Dr Sommerville said: 'The infants expected an equal and fair distribution of food and they were surprised to see one person given more crackers or milk than the other.'
This setting is used to find the location (or critical value) on the Chi Square sampling distribution that includes a tail area equal to the alpha-cutoff value (0.05).
该设置用于查找 X平方分布的抽样分布中包含尾数区域等于alpha 断开值(0.05)的位置(或临界值)。
In a symmetrical distribution, values are equally likely to fall above the mean as below it, and the most likely value, the mode, is equal to the mean.
The ideal free distribution theory suggests that predators should move among sites until profitability is equal.
The ideal free distribution theory suggests that predators should move among sites until profitability is equal.