The periodic solution can be bifurcated from equilibrium point with the variation of parameters.
And, the global asymptotical stability of positive equilibrium point of the equation is obtained.
Then present the new strategic goal: search for the equilibrium point of total cost and service quality.
There is a equilibrium point of quantity for both multiplication interaction and compensation interaction.
Yet unless a system stabilizes to an equilibrium point, it is no better than an explosion and just as soon dead.
Both the number of particles and the relative phase oscillate near an equilibrium point in the phase space.
A transient Angle unstable mode of power system closely relates to a controlling unstable equilibrium point (UEP).
If we let go the elastic energy as the spring passes through the equilibrium point is converted to kinetic energy.
They are the balanced zone between city and countryside, and also the equilibrium point of modern people's life and soul.
A new method is introduced to analyze the global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point of nonlinear circuit.
If we let go, the elastic energy, as the spring passes through the equilibrium point, is converted to kinetic energy.
The final strategic decision is the equilibrium point produced in the interaction of the four strategic orientations.
At last, the dynamic system is analyzed, the conditions under which economics converge to equilibrium point are given.
A new method based on the theory of adjoint systems to compute the controlling unstable equilibrium point is presented.
The first CNN layer functions as an adaptive filter which converges asymptotically to an equilibrium point in the mean.
The single parameter sampled data feedback control directs the system to unstable equilibrium point with only one parameter.
When the control laws applied to the systems, the origin is the asymptotically stable equilibrium point of the closed-loop systems.
To implement this function, it must be a complete stable network, namely, its all output tracks must converge at a stable equilibrium point.
We give a center manifold theorem in the neighbourhood of the equilibrium point, and prove that the center manifold is exponentially decaying.
Calculation of the controlling unstable equilibrium point (CUEP) is important in the direct method for power system transient stability analyses.
When this system has harvesting rate, we have also proved that if there is a positive equilibrium point in the system, it is then globally unstable.
Neural networks for problems of the global optimization are proposed in this paper and the global convergence of the equilibrium point set is also proven.
During the simulation, the adaptive controller parameters can be adjusted well and the queue length of network system can be maintained at equilibrium point.
This paper presents a new design way of multivariable valve controller; the controller is not related to the location of equilibrium point and network parameter.
The paper is regarding a fourth-order rational difference equation, proving that the positive equilibrium point of the equation is globally asymptotically stable.
The sufficient and necessary conditions for the global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point of the nonlinear circuits are obtained by vector comparison method.
This method takes the matrix resolving as a tool, combined with criterion of progressive stability and determines the equilibrium point by stability of matrix resolving.
This method takes the matrix resolving as a tool, combined with criterion of progressive stability and determines the equilibrium point by stability of matrix resolving.