And as those private investors exercised the warrants, they would infuse even more common equity capital into the Banks, which is, of course, what they really need.
South Korea has become one of the world's biggest markets for warrants in the few years since it started trading in equity derivatives.
This paper puts forward a pricing model based on Simulation Tree and market sentiment for Bermudan warrants under Equity Division Reform.
I favor the Warren Buffett approach: preferred shares that pay interest and warrants to acquire an equity stake at an attractive price.
我赞成沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的方式:购买有股息的优先股和可以低廉价格收购权益股份的认购权证。
Knowing more about the characteristics of warrants may help you better understand the warrant price and the stock market movement, as well as manage your own equity investment portfolio.
Knowing more about the characteristics of warrants may help you better understand the warrant price and the stock market movement, as well as manage your own equity investment portfolio.