All the things I can't erase from my life.
If you work really is a terrible memories, then it may indeed difficult to erase from the memory.
Cosmologists usually consider the dust-emitted microwaves to be "noise" that obscures their data, worth analyzing only to erase from their measurements of the cosmic microwave background.
An intruder broke into the campaign headquarters and managed to erase 17,000 names from computer files.
She couldn't erase the terrible experience from her memory.
Erase these types of thoughts from your mind.
A better choice of words, such as "Erase," might have helped; but just think of the poor technical support people explaining why this disk — fresh from the store, which I haven't put anything on!
Erase the word "floater" from your vocabulary and go live a happy life. Don't forget your vegetables.
And while it's next to impossible to erase something from the Internet, they know the tricks of burying the negative beneath an avalanche of positive links.
While this doesn't erase your tracks entirely, it does effectively let you vanish from the site.
While this doesn’t erase your tracks entirely it does effectively let you vanish from the site.
In the 2004 film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind," the characters played by Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet undergo a process to erase all memories of their relationship from their minds.
A Los Angeles study suggested that four consecutive years of having a teacher from the top 25 percent of the pool would erase the black-white testing gap.
There is no way to erase the sound of Darth Vader from your memory, but there are only a few voices today that transcend character.
For security purposes, you can add some lines to the script to erase the password value from the parameters.xml.
出于安全目的,您可向脚本中增加一些行,来从parameters . xml中清除密码值。
If this is your current understanding on tag placement, erase it from your memory right now!
But he said that after correcting his error, the emissions from coal barely changed, and the data still showed that the intensity of methane could erase the advantages of using natural gas.
Don't allow one slipup, or setback from the outside, influence you to erase all the progress you've made.
Now budget cuts look set to erase much of the social spending that set Scotland proudly apart from the rest of Britain.
If your online life is taking over your real life, it could be time to erase yourself from the Internet.
Want to erase you from my memory, but always involuntarily to remind you: in the dream of every moment, in the wake of every minute.
Even the lapse of many years will never erase the memory of that experience from my mind.
And a news organization trying to survive off revenue from readers shouldn't erase American conservatives from its list of prospects.
Eraser is a file destruction tool allows you to completely delete or erase sensitive data from your hard drive, flash drive or other attached disk in an attempt to make the file data unrecoverable.
In addition to a maximum number of Erase cycles, certain flash devices suffer from a maximum number of Read cycles between Erase cycles.
For example, the system is able to erase messages from any web-based email system like Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo, instant messaging chats, or even social networking sites like MySpace or Facebook.
Additional features include a scheduler and ability to erase remnant data from existing empty space on a drive.
You can detect the presence of back blocks from a failed flash operation (such as an Erase) or an invalid Write operation (discovered through an invalid Error Correction Code, or ECC).
如果flash操作(例如Erase)失败,或者Write 操作无效(通过无效的错误校正代码发现,Error Correction Code,ECC),那么说明出现了坏块。
Once you have backed up your personal information on another device, erase it from your phone.
Once you have backed up your personal information on another device, erase it from your phone.