Of course, I should have included more error-checking and such to make sure that the ZIP code is valid.
A more advanced treatment would include proper error-checking and handling to handle these conditions, but that is beyond the scope of this article.
From navigation, to mapping URLs, writing template expressions, everything is supported with an extra layer of error-checking and static analysis.
Since this is a utility meant for general purpose use, not just by a small group of people, we do a lot of error-checking to make it as robust as possible.
Remember that error-checking only happens during marshalling -- this means that erroneous data can be floating around in these member variables while they are in memory, awaiting marshalling.
This can be useful for performance analysis, error checking, and troubleshooting.
They don't know what the arguments are supposed to be, so add better error checking and "help" descriptions for the arguments.
Yet to design a schema that prevents as many errors as possible, you need to organize the vocabulary around the error checking, sometimes using advanced features such as inheritance.
A user could create a new HTML page with the same form and no error checking.
In a drawing tool, there is no error checking or enforcement of rules.
Each worker method creates its own transaction and handles any error checking.
You can also use input from a barcode in the same way, probably with less error checking required.
So we've embedded some error checking, if you will, into our implementations.
Like the previous set of test operators, comparison test operators are a handy way to perform error checking or to test values against another value.
The vertical slice does not necessarily cover every possible contingency; for example, a vertical slice may not provide error checking or may "stub out" various pieces of the technology.
As is usual in example code, error checking has been omitted, but even so, this is a quick and easy way of saving data to file.
Good error checking makes it faster to debug too.
The benefit is additional error checking by a compiler.
AST nodes take care of things such as binding names to definitions, overload resolution and error checking.
These modeling modes expose technical details that apply only to the target platform, plus provide an extra level of error checking to ensure that the exported model is correct for the target runtime.
Data integration can involve complex transformation rules, error checking and data standardization techniques.
Of course, a real implementation would need error checking code to make the access more robust.
This can be cumbersome to maintain, and it can be more difficult to perform appropriate error checking (see the section, "Trap for errors") and to avoid unnecessary lookups.
This script shown in Listing 4 has no error checking and is not very robust, but it illustrates our point.
Many pages performed a single task at a time, all at once, resulting in excessively complicated forms with poor or obnoxious error checking.
Using the QR code output requires much less error checking.
When you look at a procedure where all of your error checking is in order, you don't have to spend time picking through it to find the mistake.
Come back for Part 2, where you'll enhance the library you've just created with error checking and convenience methods.
Barcodes are specialist images that are designed to convey information cleanly and clearly with attention to error checking.
All error checking is omitted in Listing 1 for better readability, but the code you can download below demonstrates error checking as well as other SCTP socket extensions.