Research is made on realization of automatic compensation and control of the error, and a newly developed automatic hole error compensation and control system is introduced.
The actual control further shows that the control strategies combining double loops torque compensation allow an effective reduction in surplus of the system and better control of steady-state error.
The adaptive compensation term of the approximation error is introduced to improve the control performance of the closed-loop system.
The high speed and precision track control system adopts speed error and acceleration error compensation to make influence on quality factors of speed and acceleration.
The system of Two-Position gyro-based north seeker with error compensation includes power supply, turning device, control circuit and counter etc.
The simulation results show that the system precision and robust is greatly improved through generalized predictive control and output error compensation instead of error correction.
One of the key problems in real time turning error compensation system is how to overcome the lag of control signal.
But the error compensation system of single-chip microcomputer can be employed for the lathe to control the cutter movement, thus increasing the processing precision.
But the error compensation system of single-chip microcomputer can be employed for the lathe to control the cutter movement, thus increasing the processing precision.