If validation fails, the error message associated with the failing validation method for the object is added to an error list.
When using: :, the right-hand-most element must be a list, or you'll get an error message.
Ignore the later errors in the list; scroll upward until you find the first error message.
A message can be added to a list of messages attached to a matrix, a section, or a list of cells, to convey a warning or to notify the user of an error.
If you get a different error, or if you don't get the list of rows with the 10 rows selected message, something went wrong that must be addressed.
Listing 2 contains a program that generates the compilation-time error message that happens when you try to add the wrong type of element to a generic collection - a List in this case.
The second line of the error message says you are trying to add a JLabel to what the third error line is reporting as a List of JButton objects.
Otherwise, the core will refuse to include the module in its list and will emit an error message.
Otherwise, the core will refuse to include the module in its list and will emit an error message.