It causes an error or warning to be returned with the specified SQLSTATE, along with optional message text.
The lower right panel displays the error and warning messages from the selected WSDL document WS-I compliance report, with type, message, and reason for non-compliance via the error code.
You can add validators on attributes, units, capabilities, and domains, and you can report the status to the model user as an informational message, warning, or error message.
The table has two columns, the first of which contains the status of the message (error, warning, and so on), the second contains the message itself.
A message can be added to a list of messages attached to a matrix, a section, or a list of cells, to convey a warning or to notify the user of an error.
When mail databases have a warning threshold set, the following error displays when the database is opened or the user tries to save a draft or new sent message.
You can selectively suppress any DataSync warning or error message that the ATS or RIS files contain with the CDR_SUPPRESS_ATSRISWARN configuration parameter.
If you get an error, you can write an entry in an error log or a database, or send a warning E-mail message.
When a mail database exceeds its warning threshold, users receive an error when they open their mail database, and then find a message with the subject Quota warning Report as shown in figure 9.
Writes an error, warning, information, success audit, or failure audit entry with the given message text to the event log, using the specified registered event source.
Specifies the type of output message as either an error, warning, or informational.
When you compile from the command line, the additional line of information can be appended to the error or warning message.
When you compile from the command line, the additional line of information can be appended to the error or warning message.