To study the mechanism of it, we found that erythritol didn't decompose the cell wall.
Erythritol is a kind of adding sweetener with lower calorie, cool taste and edible safety.
In fact, Truvía combines rebiana, a substance derived from stevia bushes, with erythritol, a kind of sugar alcohol found in fruits.
(事实上,Truvía 混合了从甜叶菊中提取的成分 rebiana和水果中含有的赤藓糖醇)。
Cargill is lobbying regulators for an amendment to the European Sweeteners Directive so that manufacturers using erythritol as a sweetener would not have to put laxative warnings on packs.
Cargill is lobbying regulators for an amendment to the European Sweeteners Directive so that manufacturers using erythritol as a sweetener would not have to put laxative warnings on packs.