It was too big for the site; there was not enough seating; and, most notably, there was no estimate of cost.
The signing of the contract in Tehran, saw officials from the Iranian Oil Ministry, give an initial estimate of cost at about 2 billion US dollars.
That's more than double EIA's estimate of the total system levelized cost of wind.
The lower price is based on NASA's estimate of the cost for transporting a shuttle from Kennedy Space Center to a major airport, and for displaying it indoors in a climate-controlled building.
It's very easy to estimate the scheduling cost of adding systems or replacing them when your machines will converge to a known state shortly.
The CPU speed (in milliseconds per instruction) is used by the SQL optimizer to estimate the cost of performing certain operations.
Moreover, this factor speaks yet again to the necessity of getting operational teams involved early so that they can better estimate the cost of operating a new technology.
WHO will finalize the outstanding components of the plan of action and estimate the cost implications of the plan.
In Indonesia, for example, the poor's cost of living is 21% below the World Bank's estimate.
As the staff member gains in-depth insight into the impact of the database field length increase, he can give a better cost estimate for this modification.
The cost of any individual's choice is his subjective estimate of the value ranking of the highest value foregone from making his choice.
The price reduction caught the attention of iSuppli, an analysts' firm known for taking apart gadgets to estimate how much they cost their manufacturers to put together.
The next point Reeves makes is about the cost of manufacturing, which generally isn't considered part of the engineering effort but is part of the overall cost estimate for a engineered artifact.
That’s more than double EIA’s estimate of the total system levelized cost of wind, and almost four times the cost of conventional coal.
Mr Rauh and Mr Novy-Marx estimate that raising the retirement age by a year would trim the cost by 2-4%; a cut of a percentage point in inflation-linking would slash it by 9-11%.
Mr Rauh andMr Novy-Marx估计,提高一年退休年龄将是开销减少2%-4%,通货膨胀率下降一个百分点将使债务减少9%-11%。
If you manage your project from a good plan — and an integral part of that plan is a good estimate — there is going to be significant cost savings.
Batten down the hatches and endure the thunderstorm of an unwelcome estimate early in the project instead of the hurricane of schedule slips and cost overruns later on.
There is no estimate yet of the total cost of the project or the volume of water involved.
We tried to estimate just the cost of all the ships that went out to collect animals, and it went into the billions of dollars.
He or she will help you estimate the cost of your landscape plan with professional knowledge that can help reduce delays, fees and hassles.
Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?
A timeron does not directly equate to any actual elapsed time, but gives a rough relative estimate of the resources (cost) required by the database manager.
Their estimate of the cost takes no account of inflation.
The “one-tenth of the cost” estimate is based on rosy assumptions.
Since the conventional outstanding achievement measuring indices have not deducted the cost of equity capital, so unable to estimate exact amount of value, which the company created for Stockholders.
The biggest banks in Italy and Spain generally estimate the cost of borrowing euros for a year at about 1.1%.
The biggest banks in Italy and Spain generally estimate the cost of borrowing euros for a year at about 1.1%.