But these same materials, which so suited the massive Etruscan style, were effectively used by the Florentine Renaissance to create the most delicate and graceful of styles.
Etruscan: a native or inhabitant of ancient Etruria.
Cockerell's Etruscan red paint is complemented by Mather's brilliant white.
Most historians believe that Etruscan society reached its height more than 2500 years ago.
Any of the three divisions of the ancient Romans, namely, the Latin, Sabine, and Etruscan.
One of the most significant collections of Etruscan art in Italy is housed at the Museo Guarnacci.
The museum has a stunning collection of ancient artifacts from the Roman, Greek, and Etruscan empires.
The same site had likely already been an Etruscan settlement and, by some speculation, occupied since prehistoric times.
He completed typing backwards Etruscan scripts in Etruscan Language and The Million in Ancient Chinese on 16 November 2008.
The Cilento was also the boundary between the Greek colonies of Magna Graecia and the indigenous Etruscan and Lucanian peoples.
Researchers looked at 13 Etruscan amphoras that had been excavated whole in the French coastal town of Lattara, an ancient import-export center.
研究人员观察了13只在法国沿海城市Lattara完整挖掘出来的伊特鲁里亚双耳罐。Lattara 在古时候是法国的进出口中心。
Income from the lets is, for example, being used to fund the only privately sponsored archeological dig in Italy, an excavation of Etruscan remains on the site.
Velathri, founded in the seventh century BC, was one of the most important Etruscan cities, before falling in the third century BC to Rome, after which it was known as Volaterrae.
公元前7世纪建立,在公元前三世纪落入罗马之前曾经是最重要的伊特鲁里亚城市之一。 在落入罗马之后,它被命名为Volaterrae,并为人熟知。
Historical documents show that in this part of Perugia (below Piazza Giacomo Matteott) an old etruscan city wall exists, which is important historically as well as archeologically.
历史文献表明,在佩鲁贾的这一片地区(吉亚科莫·马泰奥广场(Piazza GiacomoMatteott)下方),存在着一个古旧的伊特鲁里亚(etruscan)城墙,这在历史学和考古学方面都是重要的文物。
A city of northern Italy south-southwest of Verona. Originally an Etruscan settlement, it was ceded to Austria in1714 and was finally returned to Italy in1866. Population, 60, 932.
"They call it clean coal because they use some filters, but it is really nonsense," said Marza Marzioli of the no coal citizens group in the nearby ancient Etruscan town of Tarquinia.
"They call it clean coal because they use some filters, but it is really nonsense," said Marza Marzioli of the no coal citizens group in the nearby ancient Etruscan town of Tarquinia.