'User fees' is just a politician's euphemism for taxes.
'Pre-owned' is the euphemism for second-hand watches.
Euphemism to a certain extent the criteria against.
The euphemism now lies buried beneath the rubble of reality.
"Peripheral" is now no longer a shorthand term, but a euphemism for "southern".
Euphemism is long-standing linguistic and cultural phenomenon in every nation.
When someone says great interest, that's a euphemism for embroiled in controversy.
But Varney, tall and professorial, did not hide her message behind legalese or euphemism.
Space agencies try desperately to conceal these realities with euphemism and secrecy.
This is not a euphemism, Erich clarifies. "Fun and games means charades,” he says, firmly.
This is not a euphemism, Erich clarifies. "Fun and games means charades," he says, firmly.
Animal-welfare groups call that a euphemism for trophy hunting, which Kenya banned in 1977.
A second type of euphemism dresses up a dodgy payment as a friendly favour done by the bribe-payer.
第二种委婉说法将这种不正报酬(dodgy payment)伪装成行贿者的友好礼物。
Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism., question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness.
Another criticism of episodic games is that "episode" could just prove to be a euphemism for "sequel".
It should also be clear that "fractional-reserve warehousing" is only a euphemism for fraud and embezzlement.
The dispassionate euphemism “underperformer” is one that I have never heard anyone use to describe themselves.
This worked as an all-purpose greeting, and it was a euphemism for "Wow, the air is really polluted today!"
The word "savings", by contrast, which is Mr Osborne's preferred euphemism for cuts, features prominently in the middle.
The word vintage is copied from its use in wine terminology, as a more elegant-seeming euphemism for "old" clothes.
"I'd see a few friends or race past a blind pig," she said, using the euphemism for Prohibition-era drinking establishments.
Job prospects were grim though, and she said she'd take anything, even "working for a family" (a euphemism for domestic service).
For the majority of women who have given birth - and most of the men who have watched them - these "sensations" are a euphemism for pain.
对于绝大多数生育的妇女- - -和绝大多数观看她们的男人- - -这些“感觉”是一种对痛苦的委婉说法。
Though it resulted initially from dread and worship, euphemism is the product of politeness, symbol of civilization in modern times.
The International Classification of Diseases, (ICD-10), does list "senescence" a medical euphemism for old age, as a cause of death.
国际疾病分类(ICD - 10)也并未把“衰老”列为死因。
The family has been unable to plant its main sorghum crop, she says, and their buffaloes are becoming “diseased”, a euphemism for starving.
The euphemism for that is "flexibility". The bare truth is that the more easily jobs can be destroyed, the more easily new ones can be created.
The euphemism for that is "flexibility". The bare truth is that the more easily jobs can be destroyed, the more easily new ones can be created.