The euro quickly became a major international currency: the euro bond market soon came to rival the dollar bond market; euro bank notes began circulating around the world.
Scared investors rushed into the safest dollar assets, lured by the liquidity of the vast market for us Treasuries, as the euro area was revealed as a mess of fragmented bond markets.
The euro crisis has spread to Italy, the world’s third-largest bond market, which means the stock of rich-world government debt that is considered safe has shrunk dramatically.
Despite all the fuss, less favoured euro-zone borrowers have been far from shunned by the bond market.
With Greek bond yields off the chart, the lack of investor confidence in the ability of Greece to avoid a default on its debt and remain in the euro zone weighed on market sentiment.
Within the euro area, the bond market needs to start functioning much more like the corporate-debt market, with each borrower assessed on its own merits.
The mediocre auction results in Spain and France have only added to stresses in the euro zone bond market.
The signalling is coming not from the foreign-exchange market (the euro has climbed back from its October low against the dollar) but from the bond markets.
Greece is close to attempting a multibillion-euro bond issue, in what will be a critical test of the country's market credibility as it battles a spiralling debt crisis and public sector strikes.
Italian bond yields on Wednesday saw their biggest one-day rise since the launch of the euro amid fears that investors had lost confidence in the world's third-biggest debt market.
As I have mentioned before the bond market is dominating all asset classes right now and the stresses in Spain are starting to weigh on the euro, although it is likely to be a straight line lower.
Markets welcomed the announcement, with euro-zone bond futures falling and money-market rates easing in its wake.
Markets welcomed the announcement, with euro-zone bond futures falling and money-market rates easing in its wake.