Such a deal should satisfy Ireland’s euro-zone partners, which want an end to the uncertainty, and the European Central Bank (ECB), on which Ireland’s banks have become overly reliant for funding.
European central bank (ECB) have ruled out the only source of unlimited support: the central bank itself.
In our example above, the European Central Bank (ECB), upon hearing the Fed's announcement, could make a similar pledge to debase the euro.
This year the European Central Bank (ECB), in Frankfurt, did its bit for renewed sobriety.
THE European Central Bank (ECB) believes it deserves a break.
Still, the EU remains uncommitted to any firm timetable or plan and the European Central Bank (ECB) refuses to accept even a temporary default.
The European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of Japan also cut rates to unusually low levels, pushingthe average interest rate in the big rich economies to a record low.
The European Central Bank (ECB) tried to rebel but failed: on Thursday January 15th it cut its benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point, to 2%, having hinted at a pause only a month ago.
That makes it unacceptable to the European Central Bank (ECB), whose opposition to any form of debt restructuring borders on the pathological.
Every quarter the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB) scrutinise Greece before releasing the next chunk of money.
Germany, the European Central Bank (ECB) and many others diagnose today's mess as stemming primarily from profligacy on the periphery.
This week’s decision by the Eurogroup of euro-area finance ministers to nominate Vitor Constâncio as the next vice-president of the European Central Bank (ECB) certainly looks like a stitch-up.
本周欧元区的财长们决定提名维克多 康斯坦塞俄作为下一任欧洲央行(ECB)副行长,这一决定与之前的理论不谋而合。
Traders say the European Central Bank (ECB) acted aggressively behind the scenes, calling some 20 dealers to buy Portuguese debt in the secondary market.
The European Central Bank (ECB) regards its recent decision to buy Spanish and Italian bonds as a stopgap until the expanded EFSF is up and running.
More worrying for Greece even than the rising cost of borrowing is that it may soon find its bonds are not accepted as collateral by the European Central Bank (ECB).
The European Central Bank (ECB) was quickest to respond, with the first of a series of unscheduled “fine-tuning” operations.
Germany and the European central bank (ECB) have ruled out the only source of unlimited support: the central bank itself.
The European Central Bank (ECB) guaranteed unlimited funds for up to six months instead of one week.
Meanwhile, few expect the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank (ECB) or the Bank of England to raise rates this year.
Urge the European Central Bank (ECB) to be lender of last resort to vulnerable sovereigns like Italy?
In principle, the SPV relieves the European Central Bank (ECB) of one of its more vexing duties.
But over the past week markets have priced in a number of rate rises later in the year from the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of England.
The European Central Bank (ECB) had hoped to make the terms of its liquidity support to banks less generous.
The European Central Bank (ECB), meanwhile, is set to raise its policy rate again in July.
Loan growth is wilting and a survey by the European Central Bank (ECB) suggests that lending conditions are becoming stricter.
But the European Central Bank (ECB) was stuck somewhere between caution and boldness.
The Banks are still in a delicate state with many dependent on the European Central bank (ECB) for finance.
Against this background the European Central Bank (ECB) has been quick off the mark in pushing up interest rates.
The European Central Bank (ECB) is taking no chances.
The European Central Bank (ECB) is taking no chances.