But, thanks to the European single market, Renault continues to do so.
Especially with the establishment of the European single market, the EU has greatly increased its overall competitiveness.
As Kroes has repeatedly stated, the only current European single market for digital music and film is based on unlawful file-sharing.
Iceland is otherwise likely to have a relatively smooth passage through the negotiations because it is in effect already part of the European single market.
But Mr Eichengreen notes that the euro, by militating against more widespread beggar-thy-neighbour policies, may have helped preserve the European single market.
"I do not accept that cars that are sold in France are built abroad," he declared this week, at a stroke torpedoing the principle of competition in the European single market.
I do not accept that cars that are sold in France are built abroad, he declared this week, at a stroke torpedoing the principle of competition in the European single market.
Linked to this should be the preservation of the single European market and its competition rules, which are under attack from economic nationalists.
Europeans ought to be seeking to strengthen the rules of their single market rather than pushing to dilute them; a long-overdue single European patent process would be a good start.
S. states, European countries weren't part of a single nation with a unified budget and a labor market tied together by a common language.
And the consequences would be scarily unpredictable: Europe's single market, and even the European Union itself, might be at risk.
The European Commission will no doubt continue to defend the EU’s single market, with the support of several euro-zone members (such as Austria, the Netherlands and Slovakia).
The euro makes it easy to compare prices across 16 countries, and the single market allows goods to move freely within the European Union.
The European Commission will no doubt continue to defend the eu's single market, with the support of several euro-zone members (such as Austria, the Netherlands and Slovakia).
The European Union's "structural funds", more than a third of the EU's budget, are designed to shift cash from richer to poorer parts of the single market.
Product markets are not as competitive as America's, and the single European market has yet to become a reality in areas such as banking and services.
The European project has spent too many of its first 50 years looking inwards: building the single market, sorting out institutions, arguing about money, endlessly negotiating treaties.
The European Commission could make a renewed push at completing the single market in services, digital technology and energy, for instance, or could press ahead with a free-trade deal with America.
European policymakers would be hellbent to conserve the single market rather than immolate it in the bonfire of the euros.
The European Union's supposed single market, which the commission polices, is fractured over the issue.
Peelable lid for the European single-serve food market.
A leaked proposal from the directorate-general for the European Union's single market suggests that Michel Barnier, the commissioner in charge, thinks the industry needs reform from top to bottom.
NYSE Euronext offers customers around the world a single pan-European market for its stock market products, including equities, closed-end funds, bonds, exchange-traded funds and warrants.
The ETA route supports the free movement of construction products and thus the Single European Market.
The ETA route supports the free movement of construction products and thus the Single European Market.