Q: What is your comment on IOC's evaluation report on Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games?
Yet, there is no relevant evaluation report and we have no idea about any detailed progress.
Certification issued by CCCMHPIE integrity evaluation report, and issued by NSF factory inspection report.
The entrusted institution or organization shall submit an evaluation report to the drafting unit as required.
The results of validation and the follow-up measures shall be recorded and clinic evaluation report shall be kept.
CPA should observe this rule when performing services of assets evaluation, making up and issuing evaluation report.
May a third party obtain the patent Evaluation Report made with respect to a patent for utility model or design from the SIPO?
Nanjing came in as the favorite after an IOC evaluation report last month said the Chinese city presented the least risk of the bids.
PSCO: Please show me the Condition Evaluation Report (CER) and Thickness Measurement Report (for oil tankers and bulk carriers only).
If the issuer issues ordinary corporate bonds, it can be exempted from providing a securities firm evaluation report and legal opinion.
The latest evaluation report says: 'Scenarios uncovered conclude that the current orbital debris environment has already reached a 'tipping point'.
CPA should provide necessary information in the evaluation report, so that report users can reasonably understand the conclusion of evaluation.
adopted the logo of the Convention, (with a view also of presenting an evaluation report on its implementation at the next session of the Conference);
Based on the underground teaching level evaluation index system, this paper researches the contents that are involved in the self-evaluation report.
The patent evaluation report is not an administrative decision and may just serve as normal evidence before the PRB or the court, not decisive evidence.
When performing evaluation service, CPA can decide the detail level of evaluation report according to the target's complexity and requirements of the client.
May a third part file a request for invalidation according to a patent evaluation report made by the SIPO under Rule 56 of the Implementing Regulations 2010?
According to the basic information of assets which are mastered by the certified public valuer, the matters stated in the evaluation report should be objective.
PSCO: I'm afraid your Condition Evaluation Report has expired. The CER should be issued combined with the renewal survey. Try to find whether you have a new one.
The Procedures used to require the registration applicant to determine the value of the pledged trademark and provide an evaluation report supporting such value.
《程序》要求登记申 请人确定出质商标专用权的价值,并提供评估报告支持该估价。
Online Registration - Waiting for the phone notification interview - interview - Waiting for the promotion by call - Live Experience - Sending Hotel Evaluation Report.
Article 13 an entity shall examine and approve the guaranty business in a collective way according to the evaluation report and the legal counsel's or expert's opinions.
We can build this system from following aspects: the evaluation subject, the object evaluated, target and standard, the edition of evaluation report and evaluation procedure.
Qatar, whose evaluation report rated their bid as high risk, collected 14 votes, while 1994 hosts the US earned just eight to send the World Cup to the Middle East for the first time.
Now as well as your own draft report, I've also received some written evaluation from the association on the work you did during your placement, and how it was of benefit to them.
A new report from the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy at Indiana University examines research into how effective this is.
I'd like you to write a brief report on your life so far, an evaluation of what you did well, of what you did not so well and what you learned along the way.
I'd like you to write a brief report on your life so far, an evaluation of what you did well, of what you did not so well and what you learned along the way.