Seeing the chance, Ma returned to China and set up a website called China Pages without even knowing much about computers.
Light from stars, even nearby in our own galaxy, doesn't stand a chance against that.
Many people welcome the chance to do meaningful things, even if they will get no pay.
In several places in the world, including the U.K., we have a chance of surviving and even living well.
Even if they hugged the African coastline, they had little chance of surviving a crossing of the Indian Ocean.
Daughters, even if they felt older than their actual age and thought that their mothers were stylish, only had a 9% chance, on average, of mimicking them.
There is no chance that will change anytime soon, even if the government creates a better social safety net and successfully encourages greater consumer spending.
Even more exciting for visitors is the chance to get in the water and swim with the sharks!
We could do the same calculus with film or music or, increasingly, television – you simply have no chance of seeing even most of what exists.
Its long-tail business model gives even the smallest Web sites a chance to make money.
The ploy worked well for them for 44 minutes - and they even had a decent chance very early on for Custodio - but it made for a tedious game to watch.
The question is why we lose so many potential customers before they've even had a chance to reach for their wallets.
There is even an outside chance that this unexpected effect is brought about by a previously unknown particle emitted by the sun.
Even if it does not die, the chance of it giving birth to healthy offspring is low.
I have a couple fashionable pairs for going out, a couple understated ones for working and I can even take a chance with a wacky retro frame if I’m in the mood.
If you have always envied the guy who gets all the girls. Nows your chance to get even and get lucky.
There may even be a chance for fresh thinking in the monolithic Keidanren business chamber, after the election of a new leader in June.
He was trying hard not to cry because he knew that tears would make his eyes all puffy and red and then he would have even less chance of finding a home.
If you're not willing to work hard, you don't even have a chance at success.
They're in remote, isolated places, some even risking their lives, with no chance of getting on the international radar screen.
Before we even had a chance to talk with the objects of our affection, we had to choose our favorite based on curves and smile alone and present her with a bouquet of roses.
If you could look inside their head, you'd probably see hundreds or even thousands of ideas waiting for a chance to come alive.
But in several places in the world, including the U.K., we have a chance of surviving and even of living well.
Philosophical certainties could not be had, according to Xenophanes, for even if we chance to hit upon the truth, there is no way of knowing for certain that things are as we think they are.
Philosophical certainties could not be had, according to Xenophanes, for even if we chance to hit upon the truth, there is no way of knowing for certain that things are as we think they are.