Even after all these years, the vivid Gombe characters continue to surprise and delight us.
Even after all these years in my line of work, I still felt humility from being so close to death.
Even after all these years, he is still the most interesting, 18 energizing and fully alive person I have ever met.
He could picture his grandmother placing flowers on top of his namesake 's grave a few tears in her eyes even after all these years.
Not only did God create all these wonders in the sky, but he also keeps them in their orbits and operating in perfect order, even after thousands of years.
After all these years he had betrayed himself like a schoolboy — and she had not even noticed it!
These are impressive and beautiful experience and memories, even several years after the tourists often brought all indulge in elaborating on, to the local play will live in this hotel.
Even now after all these years I am regularly impressed with his energy and insight.
All these murals with very high artistic value and their bright colors still intact even after 500 years up to now were done meticulously by imperial as well as folk painters in the Ming Dynasty.
All these murals with very high artistic value and their bright colors still intact even after 500 years up to now were done meticulously by imperial as well as folk painters in the Ming Dynasty.