Jackson "died so rapidly, so instantly, he didn't even have time to close his eyes", the defence lawyer added.
B: If I close my eyes, I can imagine being there right now... I can even smell the fragrances!
For more than a month, Roberts couldn't eat, move her limbs, or even close her eyes.
"He died so rapidly, so instantly, he didn't even have time to close his eyes," defense attorney Ed Chernoff said in opening arguments.
However, his massive bulbous eyes are so big that he cannot completely close his eyelids - even when he is sleeping.
He approached Harry himself, came so close that Harry could see the usually languid, pale face in sharp detail even through his swollen eyes.
Even if you have a boyfriend that doesn't mean that your have to close your eyes.
My answer: close your eyes and wait for death, even if the last moment, the world will not nostalgia.
Most of malicious lies are written by a selfish heart, only a few of lies are helpful even God will be pretend to close his eyes.
She had not even dared to close her eyes, for fear it would be morning when she opened them again.
She had not even dared to close her eyes for fear it would be morning when she opened them again.
Even after 1844, the 2300-day secret is still hidden to all who close their eyes to truth.
I love the way she holds it so close to her face and even closes her eyes at some points.
You can practice visualization in the days, hours or even minutes before an interview. Simply close your eyes and breathe deeply.
And then the second step is to close your eyes and while you are still breathing nice even breaths, deep breaths, you visualize this little you inside who is so afraid.
The oldest one said, "Father, then the kingdom belongs to me, for I am so lazy that whenever I lie down to sleep, and a drop falls into my eyes, I will not even close them so that I can fall asleep."
We hug it so close we don't even realize that we've blanketed our eyes and hearts as well.
Looking in your eyes, hoping they won't cry. And even if they do, I'll be in bed so close to you...
Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep."
Even if you just close your eyes as you think of a response to an email can help too.
The oldest one said, "Father, then the kingdom belongs to me, for I am so lazy that whenever I lie down to sleep, and a drop falls into my eyes, I will not even close them so that I can fall asleep."
The oldest one said, "Father, then the kingdom belongs to me, for I am so lazy that whenever I lie down to sleep, and a drop falls into my eyes, I will not even close them so that I can fall asleep."