As a stimulant it will keep you awake, even if used nearly six hours before bed.
In this simple example, the variable is not necessary and, even if used, could have been defined with a select attribute.
Even if used in industrial latex paint, the said polymer can be slightly added to improve scrub resistance of film thereof.
If you don't have tissues, you should sneeze into your elbow, not your hand, even if you are used to doing that.
It can be used to predict which kinds of people are likely to break the law or hurt others, even if they have not done anything wrong.
Even utility tools used by database administrators can be security concerns if the tenants can use them to access, or worse yet, manipulate data that does not belong to them.
In this context, Visual scenario Storyboards can still prove to be very effective; even more so if they are used to represent the identified scenarios, which will sound very familiar to Customers.
She says even a small amount of the maize could cause problems if it mixes with corn used to make food.
If the user's goal is known, even partially, that information can be used to provide personalized guidance.
What would happen if the wrong SOAP messages are processed unnoticed and even used to generate information for decision makers?
如果不小心处理的是错误的SOAP消息,或者用错误的 SOAP 消息生成决策信息,又会导致什么后果?
If a driver is compiled directly into the kernel, its code and static data occupy space even if they're not used.
However, doctors have warned her that a heart transplant is risky and that, even if it succeeded, the drugs used to prevent her body rejecting the new heart could prompt a recurrence of the leukaemia.
For example, Bend Broadband in Oregon has the nation's faster wireless network, even if it's not used for voice.
So, even if schemes like XML signatures are in place and being used, they may not address the real world problems they were supposed to solve.
The log file can provide hints on potential problems, faults, security lapses and, if used correctly, can even help provide warnings on load and capacity of your servers.
Even if you do not understand English, you can enjoy his films, because no words are used in his films.
Even if the language isn't used in a production environment, it's useful for prototyping complex concurrency problems.
This will create a fake type with the same properties as the indicated type, allowing classes to be used even if they don't have a default constructor.
Even if you haven't used the library, the code shouldn't be hard to understand.
The deficits would be even bigger if he used a more pessimistic, and therefore realistic, economic forecast.
The bottom line, say critics, is that perfecting a technique that could be used for human cloning, even if it were developed for another purpose, is just a bad idea — an assertion Zhuang rejects.
Therefore, time and CPU savings in the prepare phase is minimal even if parameter markers are used.
Many people fear that turbines will instantly depress the value of property nearby, even if it enriches those whose land is used.
Even if employers do not resort to the tactics used by Caribbean sugar-plantation owners, Abhijit Banerjee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology thinks the system would still have problems.
Even if you haven't used a C-like language very much, you might still be able to follow the examples.
The drawback to this solution is that, since the raw data is within the SOAP message, it must be scanned by any XML parser, even if it is never used (for example, in an intermediary, like a router).
And even if they used gliding flight, they would need to be exposed to very high wind velocities at take off - such high winds that they would be blown away and have no need for wings.
It can also be used to scan the phone for security issues even if the phone is turned off.
And if your patents have been used in the product, that's even better, of course.
And if your patents have been used in the product, that's even better, of course.