Even in this case, then, there are women who would prefer to remain single rather than marry a deadbeat.
But even in this case, the depreciating currency will likely soon stop circulating as it will be shunned for the stronger currency.
Even in this case, however, your application must be written to function properly if the query string parameters are missing or corrupted.
Especially it is considered a great pleasure to chat with friends at the dinner table, though even in this case the purpose lies in chatting, not in eating.
In case you were wondering, this monstrosity really is one word, not merely many different words squashed together—most of its components cannot even stand up on their own.
In this case, having to then let go of the book after holding it might generate a subtle sense of loss, and motivate us to make the purchase even more.
In other words, even if the FBI wins this case, in the long run, it loses.
Even those artists who were most dependent on photography became reluctant to admit that they made use of it, in case this compromised their professional standing.
But in this case, it seems, everyone needs concern, even the abuser.
The usual impulse would be to protect the most vulnerable. But in this case, it seems, everyone needs concern, even the abuser.
Runtime binding: in this case, even the service specification (the operations signatures) and the protocol aren't known at development time.
In this case, the optimizer assumes an even distribution of all values in COLUMN_Y, which means it assumes that all values have the same frequency.
But this may not be the case; in some student cases there are what they call reverse culture shock. This can happen even before you leave to come home.
Even where this position is controversial, as in the case of Microsoft, most (though not all) would agree that the company played a useful role in standardising products in a dynamic new industry.
Even in this simple case, the instrument detected as many as 100 different signalling molecules fired off by the two bacteria, only 10 of which the team managed to match to known molecules.
Unfortunately, in the case of Greece and Portugal at least, even this will not guarantee continued membership of the euro.
The advantage of this approach is that it doesn't require any changes to the code, even in case of URI changes.
该方法的优势是不需要对代码做任何改变,即使URI 发生变化。
You only get the parameter for one request; after that each portlet on the page needs to store the value in the session. This requires having sessions even in the case of anonymous use.
In this case, you don't even need the Phar extension installed, since PHP can natively load the file and extract its contents.
Notice Objectify's query code: the service instance supports filtering by property (in this case owner) and even ordering the results.
注意Objectify 的查询代码:service实例支持根据属性(在本例中是 owner)过滤,甚至对结果进行排序。
In this case, since the program really does have to run in a shell anyway, it even sort of makes sense to do it this way.
Moreover, even though both requester and provider use JMS as the transport protocol in this case, one of them could switch to a different protocol without affecting the other.
In this case, honesty means declaring your actual opinion - even though to another person, it might be wrong.
Doing good and doing right need not be mutually exclusive — and in this case should even be mutually reinforcing.
In this case, even if the application flushes the data, it may still be buffered by the server for optimization.
The classical opposition of which I was speaking above is even less justified in this particular case.
Only one paging VIOS partition will be used in this case, and no failover will occur, even though the paging space device is actually redundancy capable.
Support in this case means built-in recognition of the model in the associated tooling and even optimized run-time transformation capability.
Even in the best case scenario from this point onward, is the Fukushima site now a radioactive waste dump for years to come?
Of course, this overstates the case, because even the staunchest believers in trusting the internal network still enforce password-based login to servers, databases, and applications.