I hope you will share my delight in watching as simple, even naive, questions lead to remarkable solutions and purely theoretical discoveries find unanticipated applications.
When management attempts to exert controls, the effort is sometimes viewed by the team as naive or even capricious, and with no mechanism in place to evaluate the impact; good, bad, or indifferent.
Even the language designers quickly saw a deficiency in this design - in hindsight, it's a bit naive to think that there can never be behavior that isn't attached to a class.
All of us, even postmodern philosophers, are naive realists at heart.
It should offer some amazing action scenes, with Woo exploring the IMAX format, even though the story of an intercultural friendship may sound kind of corny, or naive.
You can assume all the direct users are trusted (a naive assumption even for an internal application, but sufficient for this scenario).
In the Line of Beauty, Aids becomes part of a bigger picture and of that arc from naive romance at the beginning to a more disillusioned and even tragic ending.
The naive judgment of the dreamer on waking assumes that the dream- even if it does not come from another world- has at all events transported the dreamer into another world.
It would be naive to think that even the most dedicated parents do not sometimes become frustrated with defiant children.
My notes were full of facts and statistics that I felt sure would motivate even the most naive of pet owners to succumb to my plea.
I know this may seem naive and some may even label it as selfish. But I don't care.
They're clearly drawn by someone who takes great pleasure in the act of creation, even if, by the standards of a professional, the results are naive and imperfect.
This is a naive reading of economic theory, because even rational economic agents can gain utility from acting honestly.
Even more frustrated life should also be preserved for their own a little naive, since we can not change others then change yourself.
Leibnitz's grand scheme may seem naive, even ludicrous, but shades of it live on.
It's been my observation that naive clients sometimes find "truth" in their MBTI results, even when the descriptions don't fit perfectly.
Don't try so hard to be respectable. Speak from your heart about what you truly believe, even if it makes you look naive or sentimental.
To tell you the truth, I think it's somehow naive, even childish. But anyway, it is worth seeing, I suppose.
In particular, we have found that even at the mean field level the naive vacuum saturation approximation is not a good approximation when we consider nonlocal four quark condensate.
In those tender years, innocent and naive to give me your dream, even the sky is colorful.
You can even become and pets as naive, voices are not consciously start low dB, at last, you find, say grace you are so cute.
With the wisdom of hindsight, the irony in these proclamations is evident and the premature declaration of "mission accomplished"appears naive and even foolhardy.
With the wisdom of hindsight, the irony in these proclamations is evident and the premature declaration of "mission accomplished"appears naive and even foolhardy.