I have heard that this techniqued is used of airplane body painting too, so less paint would be overlapped and results in a more even surface.
After the sunset the temperature drops to 27 degrees. It becomes so hard to move that the ride on even surface seems a summer ride up the mountain.
Centaurus ships are relatively geometric and smooth, with very few hard edges and little details to break the even surface of the hull. they are almost always symmetric.
And experiment indicate that, machined parts will occur plastic deformation after lapping, even surface of brittle materials such as ceramics and carbide will deform to a certain degree.
Even if Earth's surface were not actually sterilized by this bombardment, it is unlikely that any but the most primitive life-forms could have survived.
Messenger will explore the surface of Mercury, its crust, its atmosphere and even its magnetic field.
On the other hand, a comparatively warm body with a small surface gravity, like Earth's moon, is unable to hold even the heaviest gas and thus lacks an atmosphere.
"It is still difficult for a biped robot to walk on a bumpy surface, even on Earth," the official said.
The storm's violent waves would have caused separate pieces floating even briefly on the surface to drift apart.
Even rudimentary feathers on forelimbs could have expanded the arm's surface area to enhance lift slightly.
Even though one or two degree Celsius rise in sea surface temperature for a relatively short amount of time can cause bleaching.
Some scientists speculate that Mars may have enjoyed an extended early period during which rivers, lakes, and perhaps even oceans adorned its surface.
Other researchers go even further, suggesting that the data provide evidence for large open expanses of water on the early Martian surface.
Even those countries which seem, on the surface, to be doing well from selling their oil and copper to Asia are in danger of damaging themselves in the longer term.
Even what may appear as a benign intervention on the surface can have damning consequences.
Even farther out to sea than the large fragments of multiyear ice are much smaller pieces of ice—so small that they are at the mercy of even small surface currents.
In a few samples, the team found Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA, which can lead to severe infections, even on the surface of the skin.
The above image shows, however, that even during off days the Sun's surface is a busy place.
I hope that by using even smaller tubes they can push to a larger surface area and more sensing applications.
Several commercial products are available that offer external keyboards and even projection of virtual keyboards onto any flat surface.
"Women were harmed more by surface acting, meaning their mood worsened even more than the men and they withdrew more from work," Scott says.
At the time, those questions of identity still lingered below the surface, even though I always knew I would restart my career.
Even the surface waters of the ocean contain substantial amounts of this gas. But where that Marine methane comes was a mystery, Until now.
These simple examples don’t even begin to scratch the surface of Scala’s pattern matching features. Let’s try matching based on type
这些例子甚至还没有开始接触到Scala 的模式匹配特性的最表面。
It is mapping the surface of Mars from an altitude of 300km from the safety of the Mars Orbiter - and has even taken 3d pictures of the surface of the planet.
"You can't help but be intimidated by the complexity of it all," Jones says. "Just when you think you're getting a handle on it, you realize that you haven't even scratched the surface."
Patterns in cairo can be solid, surface-based, or even gradients patterns.
In fact, the new planet likely receives about the same amount of sunshine as Mars, which means that, even if it had a solid surface, the world would be far too cold to support life.
Perceiving someone else’s true power and inner light, even if they don’t show it on the surface, is like calling someone by their true name.
The authors say that this finding may mean that even apparently healthy women have, under the surface, issues related to food, weight and body image.