That hurts the company's image in the long term, even if the campaign boosts sales for a spell.
It hurts that I could never love my daughter freely: I am always scared for her, even now.
That, in turn, hurts the Nikkei 225, which has tumbled even faster than the yen climbs; it has shed more than 20% since the start of the year.
Even if only a few people cheat to obtain a credential and the devaluation I described above doesn't take place, there are other ways that cheating hurts.
That hurts even more than when you have given everything and lost the game but were unlucky.
But it hurts so badly when I have even a short walk that I have to stop and rest.
Even now, it hurts me to think that someone who had so much hardship in life should have suffered so at the end.
It hurts, but believe it or not, it feels good to know that some feelings of the passionate days never vanish, even after this long time of forgetting.
Even though I have become used to hearing people say things about me that aren't true, it still hurts.
Much of the time this' pain-body 'lies dormant, but anything that resonates with past hurts (even a chance innocent remark) can trigger it into an active mode.
Wang Yuru, a psychologist from Shanghai, points out that when a stranger comes to tell a person that he or she is dumped, it hurts even more than hearing the bad news from their ex-partners.
Wang Yuru, a psychologist from Shanghai, points out that when a stranger comes to tell a person that he or she is dumped, it hurts even more than hearing the bad news from their ex-partners.