Even though they were made-up by others, they still have their own ability, to think, perceive and even act AS IF they are really you.
Banks will soon be holding a lot more capital than they used to, which should make the system safer-though it would be even better if they held even more.
Even if Lehman had been saved, though, other dominoes were wobbling, including Merrill Lynch, AIG (an operation of "stunning" incompetence) and possibly even his old employer.
Yes, even though your own mind created the dream world, you go along with whatever is happening, even if you’re being chopped into little pieces by Freddy Krueger.
是的,虽然梦是你自己的意识创造的,但是梦里发生的一切都让你感到真实经历过一样,即使是你正被Freddy Krueger剁成肉浆。
Even though you may feel like lashing out at someone or something, don't. As stated above, you could regret it, even if all you feel is hatred.
Real friends even if not seen for a long time, even though miles apart, goodbye also be so kind.
Even though (Even if) you aren't lifting anything, your muscle gets tired.
Even if/Even though he apologized to me, I wouldn't pardon him.
And even though life may knock them down, the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up.
You just know that if it finds any errors, it's going to blame me, even though I don't even know where its disks ARE.
You just know that if it finds any errors, it's going to blame me, even though I don't even know where its disks ARE.