He found that he was so full-up from all the liquid in his diet that he hardly had room for his evening meal.
This is the amount of calories you might expect to have in an evening meal, not in a drink.
"The evening meal carries the full burden that used to be spread over two meals, " says Counihan.
Right after your evening meal, engage in some sort of physical activity—a sport such as bowling, perhaps.
Whether you'd like a great value-for-money lunch or a relaxed evening meal at a fantastic restaurant, this is the place for you.
Each day of Kwanzaa, usually before the evening meal, family and friends gather around the table and someone lights a candle, beginning with the black.
Each day of Kwanzaa, usually before the evening meal, family and friends gather around the table and someone lights the candle, beginning with the black.
Villagers of Abu Ragwan buy their vegetables for the evening meal.
Later, a 3-year, we have made some changes in the evening meal.
Don't eat: Scorpios should not eat large meals, and the evening meal should be light.
Later that day, when I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very still.
Food served shouldn't be in large amounts but enough to tide one over until the evening meal.
Return to the hotel for your evening meal after a long day's sightseeing or business in the city.
The usual evening meal will be enlarged tonight because it is one of the three Viking feast nights.
We ate our evening meal, a light supper of cold cuts [2] and salad, just right for the end of a hot day.
The pain rarely returned after his evening meal and it was not affected when he ingested milk or antacid.
Thee pain rarely returned after his evening meal and it was not affected when he ingested milk or antacid.
We have even given up sitting at table and having a leisurely evening meal, exchanging the news of the day.
Cheryl, in particular, enjoyed watching me prepare the evening meal and Shadowed my every move in the kitchen.
As we staff members ate our evening meal, sometimes Kate and Chris would walk slowly by the dining-room doors.
A couple nights later, after eating their evening meal, and waiting for the sand to cool, they started out again.
I was almost of age before I realized that not everyone's evening meal involved vigorous, fun, intellectual debate.
The U.S. researchers advocate a big, fatty breakfast for optimum health, followed by a smaller lunch and a light evening meal.
At an otherwise pleasant Saturday-evening meal with friends, he joined his companions in compulsively checking for updates.
Mid afternoon - While you are preparing your evening meal, drink a glass of water and snack on some crunchy fresh vegetables.
After my evening meal, I still have a bit of time left to watch a little TV until about 10 o'clock, then I went to bed happily.
If it is simply an invitation to an evening meal and conversation, you will probably take your leave between ten and eleven o'clock.
Later that day, when I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very still. When I turned, I nearly knocked her down.
In fact, the guideline suggests that the amount of calories provided by an evening meal is best kept within 30 percent of the day's total.
In fact, the guideline suggests that the amount of calories provided by an evening meal is best kept within 30 percent of the day's total.