I was working an evening shift at the time, so I worked flying lessons into my morning schedule.
I've found mid-mornings to be productive, so I've built my schedule around a morning and evening shift.
I think we can divide our twenty-four hour operation into three shifts: day shift, evening shift and night shift.
After that, he says, she seemed to text all the time - when he'd come home from his evening shift for dinner, when they were cruising the shopping mall.
The ladies of the evening were beginning their shift. And they would always see myself, this baby and the stroller.
A female bus driver on Route 35 in Nanjing, Jiangsu, has become a popular celebrity in the city by wearing a Qipao (Mandarin Gown) on every shift, the Yangtze Evening News reported Monday.
Is in the habit of nodding off at his post during the night shift, which follows evening roll call and runs until morning roll call.
The Overnight Room Attendant on duty that evening is required to prepare the stock for each pantry and place it neatly on the shelves before the end of the shift.
The Overnight Room Attendant on duty that evening is required to prepare the stock for each pantry and place it neatly on the shelves before the end of the shift.