The evening show began at 8 pm after the national songs of China and Kuwait were played.
Many guests attended the evening show business celebrities, movie star Jackie Chan is one of them.
We beat the rush at the movie theater by buying our tickets for the evening show earlier in the day.
The singer fan friend, the song "the Chinese Baby" we have already appreciated at the Spring Festival evening show.
Generally used in the outline mod outline model of outstanding building completely like the step, the walls, stair, bar, evening show and so on.
"Bean yellow" in a person to "take off clouds" that they "li xiangyun" really funny. no wonder people say: "Spring Festival evening show" is a cultural feast.
In fact, this story is also not very "magic" in a true real life, just as we ordinary people can not speculate Lu Chen in the "Spring Festival Evening Show" performing magic, in the end how it was.
Nancy dressed up after supper, as she was going to host a charity show that evening.
Did you watch the show Chinese Poetry Conference yesterday evening?
Be sure to be back in your rural idyll for sunset and then the evening light show; it can be dazzling, especially for those who live in a city.
Here, in front of a packed grandstand of cheering spectators, the Pakistani and Indian border guards compete every evening to outdo each other in a show of theatrical hostility.
Hollywood has been taking on more and more of a global tilt with each passing year, but on this evening it was especially evident in the show and in the awards themselves.
It was Saturday evening and Yukio Hatoyama, wearing a Burgundy jacket and a cocky grin, was dancing with his fun-loving wife under the bright lights of a charity fashion-show.
Just a few more minutes of catching fireflies on a lazy summer evening. So what if that certain TV show was on?
On his Saturday evening talk show, and everywhere else, he said what he thought abrasively, defiantly, sometimes obscenely.
the bride selected tender yellow, violet and other colors and elegant fabrics made ??wedding dress, to show the bride's Evening Dresses and elegant.
On a sultry evening in August, Zhang Yuwei, who works in sales in Shanghai, donned a chiffon shirt and hotpants to attend one of the first performances of the show in Mandarin.
Yesterday evening pubs and clubs fell silent as 20 million people tuned into a TV show to see a question of global significance finally resolved.
昨天晚上酒吧和俱乐部都陷入“万马齐喑”, 2亿人英国人将电视调到同一个频道,来收看一个具有全球意义的问题的最终结果。
Move such viewing to earlier in the evening. And if you need to watch a movie before bed, watch a comedy movie or TV show.
That evening my Chinese companion and I climbed into a minibus to go to dinner and a show, one which I had attended many times before.
Children show amarked increase in eveningness from around age 13 to late adolescence, and, on balance, more people under 30 are evening types.
大约在13岁到青春期后期,儿童中晚上类型的人明显增多。 总的来说,在30岁之前,晚上类型的人居多。
We decided that this single shot was too graphic to show on the early evening news in the UK when children might be watching - so we left it out.
It's great if you do this on a regular basis but if you don't take the time to show her that it's a special evening and you are trying to be extra nice.
You can exercise early in the morning when all members of your family are still asleep or substitute your favorite evening TV show for a workout.
You can exercise early in the morning when all members of your family are still asleep or substitute your favorite evening TV show for a workout.