In this paper, Event-Study Methodology of the performance got during the merger of Chinese securities market is made by using a rule, which is on condition that rational people are limited.
At the same time, this paper also apply the Accounting-study Methodology to avoid that weak efficiency and manipulating stock prices in China's capital market distort the theory of Event-study.
The Event-study Methodology is adapted to make analysis on Cumulative Average Abnormal Return (CAR) of all samples, of samples in Shanghai market and of samples in Shenzhen market respectively.
第三章对外资并购的股价反应进行实证分析。 主要采用事件分析法分别对外资并购全部样本、沪市样本及深市样本的累计超额平均收益进行实证研究。
In this paper, this effect was studied through an empirical research of monthly export data from major industries, including high-tech products, coke, garments and so on, via an event-study analysis.
In one study, researchers found that the neurons activated in the recall of a memory are likely the ones that fired when the event originally occurred [source: Carey].
Breaking a promise is a complex neurobiological event, a new study shows-and a brain scan may be able to predict those who are making false promises before they break their word.
During the study, nearly 50 participants consumed either alcohol or a soft drink and then performed a virtual reality task designed to examine how an experienced event is stored within memory.
Previous studies have linked the 2003 heatwaves in Britain and Europe to climate change but this is the first study to link a flooding event to rising temperatures.
The study found one in four people have missed an important appointment and nearly one in five have fallen out with a friend over a forgotten date or event.
The team used music to help study the brain's attempt to make sense of the continual flow of information the real world generates, a process called event segmentation.
The study found that those who wrote about their test anxiety in some cases received a whole grade letter higher than those who wrote about an unrelated event, or did not take the time to write.
But there has been relatively little scientific study of the long-term human health effect of this kind of event.
The scientist has made a detailed study of an unusual event in 2006 when large meteors were observed over Brisbane.
The study findings suggest that low LPFC function may be a risk-factor for mood and behavioral problems after a stressful interpersonal event.
And a new study finds that people who took at least one of their hypertension meds before bed were much less likely to have had a major cardiac event, such as a heart attack or stroke.
The article analyses whether or not the negotiated transitions, which happen from 1998 to 2003, brought the abnormal returns to the investors by using the event study.
They held their first event in March of 2009 in honor of Teen Tech Week, and have since held another “study break” game night.
However, the new study poses an alternative theory, that a build-up of sulphur in the half million years before the so-called Ocean Anoxic Event that occurred 94.5.
In a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) -funded study, researchers found that more than 40 percent of people with PTSD also had depression 4 months after the traumatic event.5.
Africa's first football World Cup will generate 2.75m tonnes of carbon emissions, one of the biggest environmental impacts of any sporting event in history, a study has found.
First of all, we examine whether issuance of convertible bond bring abnormal return to company by event study.
This paper USES an event study approach to examine market reaction to the divestiture announcement based on different motivations of asset sales.
The study chooses 579-list companies with their dividend distribution of 2001year as specimen; adopt event study method to analyze the market effect of dividend policy.
This thesis employs event study and accountant study together to empirically study the performance of market for listed corporate control in China.
This paper empirically studies the stock price effect of restricted share's circulation by using the event study.
The event study is based on the supposal that the market is effective, that is to say, the stock price reflects all the known public information.
Then introduces the methods of performance analyses, describes the event study and accounting study in detail.
Thus, the event study methodology tries to determine how the event affects the stock price and what extent the event is (Brown s and J. Warner 1980).
Thus, the event study methodology tries to determine how the event affects the stock price and what extent the event is (Brown s and J. Warner 1980).