Retraining antispam models on a science cluster every few hours.
Reapply every few hours, rinsing and drying the skin beforehand.
And I know what it's like when there's a baby waking up every few hours.
For best results, flip the bamboo sticks every few hours for the most potent scent.
Some people in India must have been running these Numbers every few hours for months.
Trees may use several quarts a day, so check the water level in the stand every few hours.
Snacking on healthy foods every few hours helps you avoid hunger and the associated overeating.
This could be every few hours, nightly or even weekly depending on how often your content changes.
Every few hours they'd make a beeline for the fridge and joyfully nosh for all of five minutes.
If you're heading to an evening event, eat regular meals and snacks every few hours up until party time.
Blood samples are taken every few hours for two or three days, and urine and faeces are also collected.
Blood samples are taken every few hours for two or three days, and urine and faeces are also collected.
I have implemented an index maintenance plan that checks and rebuilds these indexes when necessary every few hours.
When I'm at my desk working, I have started to allow myself a break every few hours to play an online round of Scrabble Blitz.
So all you movers and shakers out there who don't have time to charge your battery every few hours, give one of these devices a try.
Developers integrate their code into the trunk as often as possible — typically every few hours — while making sure that all the unit tests pass.
Because most RSS readers request feed updates every few hours, you want to ensure the method you use to create the XML doesn't hinder server performance.
Patients with a headache in the early days often intermittent attacks, a throb of pain and pain, the attack continued for a few minutes or every few hours.
Newborns can't sleep through the night because they need to eat every few hours. They don't produce enough glycogen, the body's form of stored sugar, to make energy.
Over the next three days in the hotel, I settled into a rhythm of eating three meals a day, watching preparations for the British royal wedding on TV, and talking with my mom by phone every few hours.
My best friend Ally and I spare a few hours of our time every week as volunteers for BuddyBall.
我最好的朋友艾丽和我每周都会抽出几个小时的时间来做 BuddyBall 的志愿者。
'Now, every two hours, he backs his car up a few feet and forward a few feet and the time starts over,' Mr. Coleman says.
A few hours a week of teaching are not as important as the lessons we provide by example for many hours every day.
I've been deposed twice – for nine hours one day and for another seven a few weeks ago – where I was asked every irrelevant question about my life, cars that I owned, websites I've operated.
随后,我被拉去盘问了两次——一次持续了9个小时,另一次,就在前几星期发生的,持续了7个小时。 他们问了我一切无关案子的问题,问了我的生活,我买的车,我建立的网站。
I've been deposed twice – for nine hours one day and for another seven a few weeks ago – where I was asked every irrelevant question about my life, cars that I owned, websites I've operated.
随后,我被拉去盘问了两次——一次持续了9个小时,另一次,就在前几星期发生的,持续了7个小时。 他们问了我一切无关案子的问题,问了我的生活,我买的车,我建立的网站。