It is said that every year on the second day of the second lunar month, the dragon wakes up from its winter sleep and raises its head.
But if each Web page on that site USES Ajax to refresh itself every second, and the average person leaves the page open for ten minutes, suddenly the site gets 600,000 page requests a day.
Second, it reveals that you can directly connect the work you do every day to your dreams.
You don’t need to spend every second of the day under a stopwatch, but be aware of when you waste time whether it is gossiping, surfing the Internet, or recapping the weekend for the third time.
What about making every second Sunday your family’s library day and follow it up with a hot chocolate so you can all talk about the books you read?
Earthbound humans have 14.7 pounds per square inch of air pressing on them every second of the day. Space suits only put about 4.3 pounds of pressure per square inch on the wearer.
So the researchers also tested a second concoction chosen to mimic more closely what an average child might reasonably consume every day.
因此研究者们还选择了第二种调配物进行测试, 而这种调配物所含的成分与一名普通的孩子在正常情况下摄人的添加剂成分更为接近。
"That's like streaming 100 high definition TV channels for every second of every day for the next five years."
Twelve, the second layer, third layer, romantic care! Fourth layer, interlayer, sweet warm! I wish you all a good mood every day!
The time can be set to the nearest second and up to 24 hours in advance - Ideal for people who need to take medicines every day or those who do interval training.
Think for a second about how many people and children in the world have never, don't and will never have or experience what you do every day.
Neil: And how does this help them, exactly? It sounds like the day would really drag if every second got stretched out like that!
Of all the festival in western countries, I think Mother's day which is always on the second Sunday in May every year is better than any other festival.
For instance, my supper that can be used for a delicious food on the evening in every day gives myself, definitely and then in lunch setting apart a part prior to, looking on it as a second day.
The second line of a couplet: sick, sick, drink drink drink every day. Streamer: drink die down.
The both of you spend every second of the rest of your day together, and though you; ve done so before… the melancholy gleam in your eyes has now faded completely.
The day I left Colombia for the United States, I was thinking every second about my friends. I hadn't said goodbye to them.
The second category do not appear every day. They are the more difficult, more complicated emotions depending on some mental process-suspicion, hurt feelings and many things like that.
Today, during my second day as a receptionist, every time the phone rang I jumped in shock. My co-workers now already think I'm weird. FML.
They the time can be set to the nearest second and up to 24 hours in advance - Ideal for people who need to take medicines every day or those who do interval training.
They the time can be set to the nearest second and up to 24 hours in advance - Ideal for people who need to take medicines every day or those who do interval training.