Every two years in spring, many English people put on a red nose, make a fool of themselves and do "silly" things to make themselves and others laugh.
The Council conferences are convened once every two years.
The same instruments were readministered every two years for 10 years.
You can resupply every two years, when Earth and Mars are at their nearest proximity.
In the meantime, the RNIB recommends that everyone has a normal eye test every two years.
OVER the past decade, Henry Porter has regularly produced a new thriller every two years.
The WHO Model List is updated every two years, using a transparent evidence-based process.
The trend is that the number of transistors we can fit on a circuit will double every two years.
They visit him every two years for a new M.R.I., or magnetic resonance imaging, of their brains.
Federal elections occur every two years, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
Replace the battery every two years — critical level log records will begin to appear before that.
The Africa Cup of Nations, which takes place every two years, kicked off in Angola on January 10th.
In 1975 Dr Moore modified his prediction, observing that component density was doubling every two years.
Officials say the thyroid tests will be done every two years until the children reach the age of twenty.
There were always these things that irked you, ” said Mrs. Lazo, 33, whogets a new model every two years.
Simple: Moore's law, which states that computing power will double every two years, is really no longer true.
Cell phone technology advances quickly, and incentives to get a newphone every two years aren't easy to pass up.
(the notion of Moore's law refers to the fact that the performance of chips is roughly doubled every two years).
It can spend five months building its huge nest, which is over 2m wide by 3m deep, but only breeds every two years.
Today it states, broadly, that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double roughly every two years.
The group also is recommending that the test be performed every two years instead of annually for women ages 21 to 30.
The UCCF's Tour of Light embarks on its tours every two years - as a means of educating about Uganda through the arts.
This seemed to satisfy most Delawareans, who have re-elected him every two years since 1992, usually with 65% of the vote.
With the first convention in Bangkok, Thailand in 1996, ASEM Summit is held in Asia and Europe alternatively every two years.
The exercise needs to be run at regular intervals, probably no less than once every two years but not more than every six months.
He knew about Moore's law, of course, which states that the number of transistors you can put on a microchip doubles about every two years.
"This is Moore's law for plants," says Mr Atlin, referring to the rough rule that computing power doubles every two years for the same price.
YESTERDAY Philip Roth won the Man Booker International prize, given for a body of work rather than a single novel, and awarded every two years.
昨天,菲利普·罗斯(Philip Roth)问鼎曼氏布克国际文学奖(theMan Booker International prize),该奖项每两年颁发一次,颁给作者的成批著作而不是单本小说。
YESTERDAY Philip Roth won the Man Booker International prize, given for a body of work rather than a single novel, and awarded every two years.
昨天,菲利普·罗斯(Philip Roth)问鼎曼氏布克国际文学奖(theMan Booker International prize),该奖项每两年颁发一次,颁给作者的成批著作而不是单本小说。