At the end of each week, everyone got together to evaluate the material collected and determine where the strongest feelings lay.
Quite a lot of people reviewing it said it was really fun there, like every night everyone staying there got together and ended up having a party.
Chrissy's clearly given his senior men responsibility, got them fully onside and everyone is working together to get Newcastle promoted.
And when all the animals got together for a dance he demanded a special seat so everyone could admire his beautiful tail.
Together with the belief of my team mates, the boss and everyone on the staff, everyone has got behind me here at Arsenal which is brilliant.
This month is the one year reunion of "The Winner" so I got together with the other contestants this last week to celebrate and see how everyone has been doing.
This month is the one year reunion of "The Winner" so I got together with the other contestants this last week to celebrate and see how everyone has been doing.