One hypothesis that would link oral disease and memory loss relies on new evidence about how tissue inflammation affects the brain.
In lieu of evidence, the teller of an urban legend relies on narrativeskill and reference to allegedly trustworthy sources (e.g., "I heardthis from a friend of a friend") to bolster its credibility.
IBM's Watson system also relies on massive amounts of data, spread over hundreds of computers, as well as a sophisticated mechanism for combining evidence from multiple sources.
IBM 's的华生系统也是基于分布在数百台计算机的海量数据,和一个多来源证据相结合的复杂机制。
Electronic evidence is a new kind of evidence that its existence relies on the technology of electron, biology, etc. It can be information, record and things.
Electronic evidence is a new kind of evidence that its existence relies on the technology of electron, biology, etc. It can be information, record and things.