"Only a small percentage of alien species cause problems in their new habitats," said Don Smith, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Tennessee.
"Only a small percentage of alien species cause problems in their new habitats,'' said Don Smith, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Tennessee.
But evolutionary biology is now making amends.
But Dr Puts emphasises that evolutionary biology is not destiny.
A new study in the journal Evolutionary Biology rejects them all.
The findings are published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
In evolutionary biology, the definition of a distinct species is not entirely clear-cut.
Cultural drift is a process roughly analogous to genetic drift in evolutionary biology.
The scientists detailed their findings online Feb. 10 in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
And this is one of the major revolutions in evolutionary biology over the last half century.
The results were presented the 13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology.
The unexpected complexity of man's ancestor raises some troubling questions for evolutionary biology.
Allele frequency data were very important for study of population genetics and evolutionary biology.
ONE of the unresolved—and rather bitter—disputes in evolutionary biology is between the creeps and the jerks.
It has also, in the jargon of evolutionary biology, pre-adapted vivax to a threat it has not evolved to deal with.
Left us with a theory of adaptation through natural selection that remains at the core of modern evolutionary biology.
In the present paper, the advances in ecology, evolutionary biology and taxonomy of the genus Plantago were reviewed.
There are many famous english-speaking authors in many subjects, such as psychology, evolutionary biology, physics, or economics.
Students of evolutionary biology explore how various organisms are related genetically and how species evolve (change) through time.
Studies on the closure behavior of the touch-sensitive stigmas in flowering plants are one of the hotspots in pollination ecology and evolutionary biology.
Researchers from the Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala, Sweden and the Donana Biological Station, Seville, Spain studied 82 species of birds from 22 families.
It turns out that some of those songs might have distinctive characteristics similar to accents, according to a recent study in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.
The six shortlisted books announced this week represent a diverse array of subjects and styles, ranging from history to philosophy, from evolutionary biology to cosmology.
NASA's Astrobiology program in Washington contributed funding for the research through its Exobiology and Evolutionary biology program and the NASA Astrobiology Institute.
It will be in the convergence of evolutionary biology, developmental biology and cancer biology that the answer to cancer will lie. Nor will this confluence be a one-way street.
The Three Mile Island nuclear disaster, the medieval origins of primogeniture and evolutionary biology are all enlisted to shed light on different aspects of financial risk.
The Three Mile Island nuclear disaster, the medieval origins of primogeniture and evolutionary biology are all enlisted to shed light on different aspects of financial risk.